The Adams Administration

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How does Hamilton,
the short-tempered, protean creator
of the coast guard,
founder of the New York Post
ardently abuse his cabinet post
destroy his reputation?
Welcome folks, to the Adam's Admistration.
Jefferson's the runner-up
which makes him the vice-president,

Washington can't help you now,
no more Mr. nice President

Adams fires Hamilton,
Privatley calls him creole bastard in his toss
(JEFFERSON: Say what?)
Hamilton publishes his response.

Sit down John,
you fat mother-fucker.

Hamilton's out of control,

This is great:
He's out of power,
he holds no office
and he just destroyed president John Adams
the only other significant member of his party

Hamilton is a host unto himself,
as long as he can hold a pen,
he's a threat.
Let's let him know what we know.  

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