The basement

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I woke up in complete darkness, I strained to see something but I saw nothing, nothing at all. I tried to put my hand up to my face but my hands were tied behind me. I started freaking out and tried to scream but noticed I had a gag in my mouth. I then remembered what happened, I was kidnapped by the guy I started to like. I heard a human like noise but I couldn't make out any words because it was muffled. I don't think I'm alone here. Where is exactly here I asked myself. I soon would find out. A few minutes later I heard someone walk down stairs and I started freaking out. What else would I do? I was tied to a chair with a gag in my mouth in complete darkness and someone was walking towards me. I was terrified. The person walking down the stairs that I assumed was Braxton turned on the lights, at first it burned because I wasn't used to the light but after a minute I was okay. I looked at the person but it wasn't Braxton it was his dad Chester. I looked around the room I was in and realized I was in a basement and I definitely wasn't alone. There was about six other girls in the there with me. They were in much worse condition than I was, their hair was matted, clothes were ripped, and bruises everywhere. Chester leaned in real close to me to get a good look and asked "now if I take out this gag do you promise to not scream?" I nodded but inside I knew I was going to scream. As soon as he took out the gag I screamed and I mean I screamed as loud as I could. I felt a sharp pain in my side I looked down and I realized he stabbed me. "I told you not to scream, now don't do it again Mariah" I couldn't speak I was too scared he was going to stab me again so I just nodded. "Damn that's a lot of blood, I'll get my son, he'll help." Chester thought out loud. Before he left I knew I should say something loud enough to for someone to hear me and save me. Help. That was the last thing I said before I felt the gag tighten around my mouth.

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