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Dear Juliet,
Hey! I've been calling you and texting you, but you don't seem to be answering. Are you ok? I'm coming home very soon; tour was amazing! I got to see so many places I have never seen before. I saw a butterfly. It reminded me of you. The bus to bring us home is coming, I will see you soon! I am at the front door. Juliet?
I named a star after me because I know the Juliet Grey I know is right here on Earth as the bright shining light of my life. Anytime you feel down, you can look up, and I will be there. I am coming upstairs now. I do not see any light, are you sleeping? Are you in the bathroom? I see your hand, but you don't seem to be moving. Why are you lying down? Why are you on the floor? I see pills scattered everywhere. You must have dropped them. Here, I'll help you pick them up. Are you ok? I see a razor in your hand, and blood on your arms. Why aren't you waking up? Please come back.

Letters to Juliet *UNDER EDITING*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang