Tears at 4 AM

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Dear Juliet,
As I hold your dead body in my arms,I remember the signs that I failed to recognize. You always wore long sleeved shirts, even if it was 90 degrees outside; you told me it was lack of sleep, not exhaustion; you told me you wanted to take a vacation, but I wish I knew which vacation you meant when you said that. Why did you do that? Why? Why did you leave, butterfly? I sit in the darkness. I'm waiting for you to walk through the door. This is all a bad dream. I stare, and I think. I think of all the ups and downs we had, but none were as bad as this. You left me feeling this way, but it's my fault. I should have been better about this, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I can never feel you in my arms anymore. I can't hear the sweet sound of your voice. Please, come back? I can't do this. I can't carry on knowing that you will never come back. I read your note. Why did you do it to yourself? I saw the blood on your arms, and I will never forgive myself. The flowers they put on your grave will never be as beautiful as you.

Letters to Juliet *UNDER EDITING*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora