Sans x Reader (Part 1)

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You are sleeping in your bed. You felt a calm breath on your face. You open your eyes to see the outline of a figure above you, two white glowing dots where a set of eyes would be. Even though it was to dark to see an expression you could tell the figure was happy yet calm and relaxed. He realizes you are awake and jumps back, frightened by your sudden consciousness. When he jumped back he got closer to the door where more light was. You could now see he was very thin, it almost seemed as if his arms coming out of his white T-shirt were only bones. He backs up along the wall nearing the door.
"I-I-I'm sorry I...I didn't..." he stammers. He is in more of the light coming through the door as he reaches for the edge of the wall. Now you can see why his is so thin, he isn't a human but really a skeleton! This skeleton is wearing a thin white T-shirt and black shorts with a white stripe going down the outer sides of each leg.
"Y-your not gonna t-t-tell any-anyone about th-this right?" he asks as he tumbles towards the door. He gives you a worried look and dashes out the door stumbling on his way out.
"Wait!" you call after him as you jump up from bed
"Hey wait up!!". You race out the door and down the hall after him. You grab his arm and turn him around.
"I didn't even get to hear my stalker's name." you proclaim with a giggle. At first when you grabbed him he looked terrified, but now he looks at ease as he smiles gently at you. His arm loosens up, willing to let you lead him. You start towards your room and let his arm slide between your hand until your hands meet. His hand in yours you go into your room and sit him down on the bed.
"So Mr.Mystery-Man what's your name?" you ask him. He hesitates a moment before replying with
"Sans...the name's Sans.... What about you?".
"Oh me" you stammer "my name is (Y/N).....".
"That's a beautiful name...(Y/N)...beautiful...". Attempting to make it less awkward you ask
"'re a...a...skeleton, right? What do you want with a human like me then?".
He replies with "Well that's got to be the least enthusiast or emotion-filled reaction I've ever heard of! Most people freak out when they realise that we're monsters!".
"Wait you said...'we're monsters'...does that mean there are others?" you ask curiously.
"Others?! Yah there is a ton of us...we have just been trapped underground by you humans." Sans answered proudly.
" did you get here? If monsters are trapped underground how did you get out?" you questioned.
"Oh, that's simple Dr.Alphys, the royal scientist, found a...sort of 'hole' in the barrier. The barrier is what seals us underground." the skeleton explains "Alphys says the mechanism that allows us to expand this hole in the barrier so monsters can pass through it is only strong enough to sustain one monster that passes through the barrier at a time. And until she upgrades it only one monster can be on the other side of the barrier, and they can't stay for more than 3 and a half hours because it puts to much strain on the machine and the monster's soul.".
"Wow this all seems very complex...what have you done with your time out of the underground?" you ask.
"Oh I've been with you the whole time...I've been watching you, as creepy as that might sound, I came love you (Y/N)." Sans confesses blushing blue. "I care about much.". You feel his hand cup around your cheek and his thumb brush it gently. He blushes as he stares deeply into you eyes.
"I'm sorry..." he says as he turns to walk out. You feel yourself fly off the bed...did you do that? You look up to see you are holding on to his arm. He looks at you shocked.
"I'm sorry I have to go..." he says looking down at you "I have to...".
"I know...just promise you'll see me again." you ask him.
"You know I don't like making promises...but I'll make an exception for you, (Y/N)...I love you...and I won't leave for good...ok?" he says as he continues out the door "till next time (Y/N)".

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