Chapter 15

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The next couple of days you were spending together and deciding on what you wanted to do when you guys are touring.

When the big day of their tour came you went straight to Lynch's house at 7 in the morning with your mum because the plane left at 11 and you all decided to meet at their place. When you rang the doorbell you saw a very excited Rydel there standing with the biggest smile on her face.

You ran up to her and hugged her fast and you both squealed. When you see Ryland come down the stairs you jumped into his arms and kissed him. You were way too excited on how to express yourself that you just squealed again. Once all of the bags were packed into the two cars, you, Ryland, Rocky and your mum went into one car while Mark, Stormie, Ross, Riker and Rydellington was in another.

You and Ryland were sitting in the back seats while Rocky sat in the front with your mum. You guys were talking the whole way to the airport. You started to drift off in your thoughts and even though you were so excited you felt bad because you had to leave your mum behind all by herself. You got lost in your thoughts and by the time you snapped back into reality you guys made it to the airport.

As we entered the airport it had a very strong smell, the airport smell, you had bad travel sickness and it was already getting to you, but you didn't tell anyone besides Rydel and she could tell that something was up so she ran up to you and pulled you aside from Ryland, "y/n you alright? Just remember to breath in and out, I'm right here if you need anything okay." She says with a small smile making you happy. You just gave her a small nod and went back to Ryland.

When you got back to Ryland your mum decided that she should go and get ready for work, you said your goodbyes to her and gave her a long and tight hug.You and you mum couldn't help but let out a small tear release from your moment. Once your mum left Stormie and Mark went to do what they gotta do so you, Rydel and the boys went to go to get some food before you got on your flights. Since the flight was about two hours long and you didn't have breakfast.    

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