Chapter 1

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I stroked the invisible Cheshire Cat as he curled up on my lap, I slowly looked up at the mad hatter "it's so dark, the lights or electricity haven't been working for a while" I said, the mad hatter laughed "are you really that scared? I mean, nothing could hurt us, your just being a cat" he tried gesturing towards the invisible cat to only realise that yet again, he was invisible. The Cheshire Cats head suddenly appeared as he smiled his awfully horrible smile at the mad hatter. The mad hatter quickly sat down in his seat before the cats head yet again disappeared, I sighed and looked at the white rabbit as he paces the room "what are you thinking?" I asked, the white rabbit turned around before shaking his head "this isn't good enough, not at all, you would think that the queen must be sitting on her royal behind too much to atleast give us electricity" he kept pacing and trying to check his clock in the utter dark. My sister suddenly came out of the blue with a lantern and some tea and cupcakes, it took less then a second for the sneaky cat to nearly eat everything before curling his invisible body back on my lap. My sister blinked before softly sipping her tea, she was a little concerned about how quickly that cat had just finished everything, I wouldn't blame her. Hanging around the Chester cat you learn a lot, the first thing you learn is not everything is given to you easily, his riddles were a major sign of that. The White rabbit didn't seem comfortable, something was wrong and he wasn't saying anything... Nothing at all. I softly grabbed his shoulder as he walked passed "what's wrong?" I asked, he shakes his head and started to look around "I-I don't know, I-I don't know what wrong" he said before he turned around and continued pacing. This wasn't normal for the White rabbit, I looked at the mad hatter and raised my eyebrow in question, he simply shrugged and went back to his tea. Suddenly a knock sounded from the door, the rabbit jumped fiercely to the door and opened it Twiddledee pushed into the room before bending over, he was fatigued. My sister went up to him and handed him a cup of her tea before softly stroking his back. The Cheshire Cat suddenly appeared "ahh so it's true" the cat purred, everyone looked at him with curiosity, the mad hatter was the first to speak "what's true?", Twiddledee stood straight "he-he's gone" he said, he sounded so breathless. The Cheshire Cat smiled, I looked at the cat before focusing back on Twiddledee "whose gone?" I said, Twiddledee's eyes started to fill with tears "Twiddledum" he said, I looked at the White rabbit confused "what do you mean by gone Twiddledee?" The White rabbit said, Twiddledee started gesturing something, I look over at the mad hatter as he starts shaking his head, the Cheshire Cat hopes off my lap and starts walking around Twiddledee "so he's committed suicide? Hanged himself?" The Cat purred, Twiddledee nodded. I looked at the rabbit wondering what to do before the rabbit shrugged his shoulders before saying "I guess we are off for an adventure" he said as he started hopping out of the room. Everyone started following him to Twiddledee's part of the forest, and there he was. Pale Tiddledum hanged by his neck from the dead tree, I looked over at the Cheshire Cat as he started circling where Tiddledum hanged "well, well, well" he said as he circled the dead body "I wonder what we have here" the cat smiles his wicked smile before disappearing and reappearing up on the tree "I'm sure Tiddledum wasn't smart enough to do this himself" the cat hissed, I looked at the cat confusingly "if Tiddledum didn't do it then who did?" I asked, the cat yet again smiled "who knows? It could be anyone or anything, could be any living or non living thing and I guess that is what stays a mystery" the cat smiled. The mad hatter grabbed the cat by his neck down from the tree "who was it? What aren't you telling us you feral cat." The mad hatter said while gritting his teeth "so inpatient aren't you? Use your wits, if you even have any brains left in that crazy head of yours" the cat hissed before spitting in his face. The mad hatter let him drop to the floor where the cat went back to the tree "think about it. I know that not all of you are a bunch of dumbasses" he hissed before disappearing "well we know that the cats not coming back" said the White rabbit as he hopped around "'maybe we should all gets some sleep and figure this all out tomorrow" he said before we all started to head off home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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