Chapter Three: random inconviniences

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1.) First of all, Gina, fuck off.

2.) Bugs, get yourselves the fuck out of my personal space. Seriously satan wants you home by five.

3.) When you eat or drink something in your bed and then spill on your comforter so you have to wash it. Then once it is all washed and dried the stuffing inside of it gets all clumpy and lopsided. That needs to end now.

4.) That bitch in class who won't go blow her goddamn nose for 42 minutes so she just sits there and sniffs up the snot every 15 seconds. Just blow your nose! The tissues are literally only a foot away from you!

5.) The other cunt in class who shouts out "This is eaaaaasssssssyyyyyyy!" Fuck you. No it's not.

6.) IXL in general just sucks. Fucking look at the picture thing up at the top. You see now. IXL needs to go fuck itself.

7.) bed crumbs. I have a special hatred for you. I wiped you off the bed, I know I did, but you fell through a portal on the way down and now you're back whERE YOU STARTED. YOU ARE UP MY ASS.

8.) Lydia, I here you screaming left in marching band, but I just don't fucking care. Please stop. You are wasting your energy. I'm very well aware that I am not in time but are you aware that I'm not even playing any notes. I don't play the song at all. Not even a little. Just take your saxophone and perfect passing grades and go elsewhere.

9.) Bryce, if you want to have a conversation you need to speak the fuck up. Seriously just say words. It's ok. Did you forget we go to public school. I once walked by one of the 6th grade classroom and heard someone say "man, my nipples are nothing like yours."

10.) I hate sentences like " are you sure that that guy if is Steve?"
I hate when you need to repeat a word in a sentence and they need to be right next to each other.
I wanna die.

K, bye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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