My Fairytale Involves Two Princesses

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A/N: Hai dere, guys. This is a trial run for this story. Don't judge rudely please. Constructive criticism would probably be more helpful than rudeness.

Cailey stood in front of her house, awaiting her son's arrival from school.

The short, yellow school bus pulled up to the curb and she made her way to it. The bus came to a halt and the black doors opened with a hissing, squeaking sound.

Mr. Floyd, the bus driver, waved, "Good afternoon, Mrs. Sinclaire," he greeted Cailey. She smiled, bundled up in her sweater, "Hello, Mr. Floyd. How was Neko today?"

He took off his Yankees baseball cap and ran a hand through his clearly thinning hair then placed it back atop his head, "Better."

"Good," she replied.

Cailey stepped onto the bus, wondering what was taking Neko so long. She tapped her foot impatiently, "Come on, Neko!" she called out, finding it hard to avoid the gazes of the other students on the bus.

Neko stood up from the back seat of the bus, got his backpack, then sauntered down the aisle of the bus and to his mother. "Goodbye, Mr. Floyd. We'll see you tomorrow morning. Say goodbye to Mr. Floyd, Neko."

Neko looked at him, "Bye, Mr. Floyd."

They stepped off of the bus and Mr. Floyd tipped his cap at the mother and son, "Good bye, Neko," he replied before shutting the doors of the bus.

Neko held his backpack in front of himself throughout the walk from the sidewalk and into their house.

Cailey closed the door. Neko walked toward the stairs. "Neko..." Cailey said, raising an eyebrow, "You know you aren't supposed to take your backpack upstairs."

He walked back to her and handed her his backpack, "Sorry, I forgot."

Cailey nodded and took his backpack, placing it on the shelf next to the door.

Neko looked around, "Can I go upstairs now?" He queried.

"Can you look me in the eye and ask again, please?" Cailey queried back, "We've discussed this."

He looked at her, his hand covering his mouth, "Can I-"


He dropped his hands to his sides, "Can I go upstairs now?" He asked once more, this time with a more aggressive tone, clearly getting frustrated.

She smiled, "Yes, you may."

He quickly smiled and made his way towards the stairs, a clanking noise sounded with each step he took.

"Wait, wait, wait. Neko, come back."

He turned around and walked to her. Cailey Iooked down, only to see, once again, his belt was unbuckled and his pants were unbuttoned.

She kneeled down on one knee, buttoning the silver clasps of his khaki uniform slacks after tucking his shirt back into the pants. Cailey began buckling Neko's favorite Batman belt, "Neko, why do you come home like this? This is the third time this week."

His eyes were fixed on his mother and he shrugged.

Cailey sighed and stood up, "Mama Abby and I are going to teach you how to keep your pants buckled this weekend, okay?"

He whined, "Nooo, don't wanna..."

"You're almost 14, Neko. You have to know how to do that. Big boys know how to keep their pants buckled."

He opened his mouth as if he was about to respond but then closed it and nodded.

"Good. You may go upstairs now."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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