Chapter 29-Bad Things

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Tiffany POV
I can't believe Ej raped shay,she didn't deserve this and now it was up to me to find out why and get him to suffer like he made her suffer. I finally sat up on my bed thinking of how i was gonna approach him, i sighed shaking my head, i got up and stripped from my shorts and tank top going into the bathroom and cutting the shower on, soon I stepped into the shower letting it soak into my skin... 10 minutes I stepped out wrapping my pink towel around my body, I walked back into my room, today I felt like a bad ass so I slipped on my red pants, my leather jacket, my black boots, a beanie and my sliver chain, today I was gonna flat iron my hair. After ten minutes I was finally finish with my make up and went down stairs and waited for mom

Me:make don't forget to pick up Desasia today is her first day of school!!!.

I screamed hoping she would hurry up, 2 mins later my dad came down stairs looking sexy as ever god dammn!!, I bit my lip as I felt my self getting wet.

August:good morning baby girl

Me:good morning dad

I said feeling butterflies in my stomach, he slowly walked up to me, I healed my breath as he hugged me, soon I hugged him back then he squeezed me then I moaned💦....😬then he chuckled groaning

August:I see you like when I touch you

Me:mmh oh god

August:and do you like this?

He said as he rubbed my ass and between my thighs, he was teasing me oh god I was already sexually frustrated and now he's making it woser with his hand touching me

Me:mhmm yes

Soon we heard footsteps so he moved away to the kitchen

Mom:hey my baby girl and baby

She says looking at me first then my dad, she's practily glowing..... I guess her and dad did some things anyway we were in front of Desasia house, soon she came out of the house with a bunch of bags?? Is she staying with us wtf I mean if she is Ima be happy no matter what

Me:mom is she staying with us now?

Mom:yea she's gonna sleep in the guest room no one goes in

Me:oh yea we need to paint that room tho


Deasia:hey, mom, sis

Mom:hey dede

Me:hey sissy I missed you

Deasia: where shay and nia

Me:they're at school already

Deasia:(looks at Tiffany and whisper) does mom know that shay was raped??

Me:no we didn't want to stress her out after what August did to me it was enough

Deasia:😡i hate August

Me:I did to but he explained everything and apologized everyday and I forgive him
(Lies, Lies! Lies!, and Lies )

Deasia:oh..... well what are we gonna do about shay? Do you know who did it?

Me:me, the girls and the Boys are gonna confront the rapist which is someone we know 😶

Deasia:(lowly gasps) I wanna beat this kid even if I don't know him....

Mom:we're here, be safe, I love y'all!! (kisses there cheek)

Deasia/me:we will and love you to!!

As soon as we walked in school everyone was staring and Some was shocked to see I have a sister

Random boy:dam she got a sister!!!

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