Paw prints in the snow

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I walked through the forest again on my way home. I could see my window from here and i stopped. A thought occurred to me,how long had the wolf been there? I puffed out my breath. I had too many questions that didn't have answers.

as i walked a little further to my house i noticed something i hadn't before. There was a shallow hole in the center of a dead tree and it looked like something had been there for awhile. So this is where the wolf had been.

I looked around the area and was about to give up when i saw a single paw print in the snow. I kneeled down and put my hand in the print. The print was slightly smaller. This was the same wolf as last night.

There was more prints in the snow leading into deeper parts of the forest. I took a ribbon out of my hair and tied it to a branch above the tracks, then turned and jogged (as best as i could in the snow) back home.

I quickly gathered some things i would need, including my sisters brightly coloured ribbons into a bag. I threw on my warmest clothes as well as my bag and raced out of the house, leaving a note on the fridge that i would be back in two hours or so.

It was four o'clock now, meaning my deadline was six. I followed my own tracks up to the wolf's. found the beast's tracks and followed them, tying ribbons in the trees as i went incase the tracks got covered over.

After half an hour the tracks stopped. I looked all round the last ones in a ten metre radius but still nothing. I was in one of the deepest parts of the forest where it was getting denser. Maybe the wolf lived in the heart of the forest. I decided to keep walking towards the heart but it was hard because of how close the trees were and all of the undergrowth everywhere.

it took me an other 30mins to reach the center and i had run out of ribbons a while ago. I hoped that I would find something otherwise this would have been all for nothing. in the forest's heart there was a small clearing and bizaarly enough, there were human foot prints on the opposite side of the clearing. Who in their right mind would come out in the snow in bare feet? And why the hell would they come to the forest of all places?

As I got closer to the prints I noticed that their were wolf prints that changed into the human prints. my head began to swim and I felt so dizzy. This didn't make an sense. Maybe this was a bad dream? Yea that is it, this is all a dream, nothing but a dream. But I couldn't shake the erie feeling in my gut. I pinched myself, "come on you stupid brain, let my wake up!" but nothing happened. 'this is no dream your awake' a small voice whispered in my head.

The dizzy sick feeling got worse and I fell onto the snowy ground. This was too much for my brain to process. Everything went black and onto image played in my mind, the wolf slowly coming closer.


hey guys sorry i haven't updated in like weeks, i have been busy with holidays and i am going to update as much as i can before i go overseas for 16 day

thank you heeps for reading and putting up with my errors!!

<3 love ya guys


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