you deserve a medal.

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You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!

Question to discuss:

Why does everyone assume that everyone on this site is a male? I AM a female, by the way.

Stranger 1: For one reason.

Stranger 1: There is a meme that their is no women on the Internet.

Stranger 1: I am as a matter of fact am female, but unless I show my tits or pussy I am thus not one.

Stranger 1: I tested this theory. I dressed as a guy and went on here.

Stranger 1: Same as usual.

Stranger 1: But as soon, as I showed I was a girl by re-aimin the camera they were shocked.

Stranger 1: It's just how the Internet it.

Stranger 1: Is*

Stranger 1: And, sadly, always will be.

Stranger 1 has disconnected

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