Chapter 5-Breakfast

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My alarm went off at seven, like always. I got out of bed. I walked in my walk in closet. looked at all my clothes. I have a lot now. Because a lot of people would buy me clothes or would take me shopping, after my mom pasted. They always said that since my mom was gone that I had no one to go shopping with.
I never liked shopping but I went along with it. It makes the people happy.
I looked at it all. I grabbed a floral tank top. I turned and found a pair of capri pants. I walked to my bathroom to get changed.
I brushed my hair and put it up in a high pony tail. I went back to my room and grabbed my bag. I walked down stairs.
I set my bag by the door and walked into the kitchen.
There was a note on the counter. It was from my dad.
Sorry I had to leave so early. There's ten bucks on the counter with this note. Love you! See you after school.
I grabbed the ten dollars. I walked back to the door and sat on the bench to put my shoes on. I grabbed my black converse and put them on.
I stood up and grabbed my keys from the basket that we have sitting on our bench.
I walked out to my car. I got in the drivers seat.
Right as I was about to start the car I got a text.
'You want to get breakfast with me?' It was Mason. I smiled as I read it.
'sure. Where?' I asked as I sat in my car waiting for the response.
'McDonald's?' I smiled as I realized that's about the only fast place to get food. The rest of the places are sit down and take a while. There great for diner but we usually don't have time for breakfast.
'Meet you there!' I sent as I started my car.
I drove the five minute drive to McDonald's. I got out of my car and walked in the restaurant.
I saw Mason standing near the door.
"Hey!" He said as I walked up.
"Hi." I said as we both got in line.
"I can help whoever is next." The girl at the cash register said.
Mason went up and ordered.
About a minute later the guy at the other cash register called me up.
"What can I get for you?" The guy asked me as I walked up.
"I'd like a pancakes please, and a large drink." I said with a smile.
"That will be three dollars." The guy said. I handed him my ten dollar bill.
He handed me my reseat, and my cup.
"Thanks." I said as I turned and walked to get some sweet tea that I always get.
"I'm over here!" Mason yelled from a table on the other side of the restaurant.
I walked over to him and sat in the booth across from him.
"So.... How's your morning going?" He asked with is usual big smile.
"Fine. How's yours been?" I asked smiling back at him.
"Pretty good." He said as his name was called and he stood up and walked over and grabbed his food. As he was standing there my name was called so he grabbed it for me.
"Here you go." He said as he sat the tray that had my food on it. He sat his in front of him when he sat down.
"Thank you." I said as I started to eat.
We talked about random things the whole time. We just enjoyed each others company for a while.
"It's about time to go." Mason said at about eight thirty.
"Yeah. Let's go." I said as I stood up.
"You still coming to dinner tonight?" He asked as we neared our cars.
"I forgot to ask." I said frustrated with myself. "I'll text my dad in a bit. I'm sure he won't care."
"Cool. I'm going." He said as he opened his door.
"See you in a few." I said as I got in my car.

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