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I woke up out of my sleep drenched in sweat and a sharp pain rushing through my stomach.

I pulled the covers back seeing blood everywhere, letting out a piercing scream as tears rushed down my face.

Trent shut up out of his sleep quickly becoming aware and got out of bed grabbing his phone dialing a number as he through a shirt on with some sneakers leaving his basketball shorts on.

"Baby everything gone be alright" He said lifting me up. I could tell he was trying to convince his self more than me.

Another shot of pain rushed through my stomach causing me to let out another loud scream and I started choking on my spit as I cried.

Trent got me in the car and rushed me to the hospital he was on the phone panicking and telling somebody to get to the hospital.

We finally arrived at the hospital and he rushed me in side quickly getting me to the emergency room doors, the doctors rushed over to us quickly getting me help.

I became light headed and looked down at the blood covering me. Trent was trying to get through the doors but they wouldn't let him. Soon everything around me became blurry then all I could see was black.


I woke up looking around the room to see the doctor talking to Trent and my dad.

They heads all snapped my way as I moved around in the bed.

"My baby is okay right, I get to go home soon" I asked.

They all gave me a look of sympathy and tears were forming in Trent's eyes.

"Sorry mam but you miscarried your child, it wasn't because of stress or anything your body and the baby wasn't reacting right"

I stared at her in disbelief as I felt the tears burning the back of my eyes.

"No, no" I shook my head "I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing" I yelled with a wet face.

"Baby girl calm down, everything gone be good" My dad said hugging me.

"It's not true" I cried into his chest. "Daddy it's not fair" I cried.

"I know it's not" He rubbed my back as I just cried.

1 month later

It's been a month since I had the miscarriage, still cry about it a lot but the past few days I been getting better. Realizing that my child is in a better place and not this fucked up world.

Trent and I have been real distant, he's been having bad attitudes and mood swings. I recently found out he struggles with a bipolar disorder.

"Harmony" He yelled walking in the house.

"What Trent" I asked as I leaned on the counter on my phone.

"Bitch don't "what" me"

"Bitch?" I asked turning around.

"That's what I said right"

I was about to say something smart until I noticed white powder on the tip of mid nose.

"Trent are you high off of cocaine right now" I yelled grabbing his face.

He jerked his head out of my hand "Don't worry about what the fuck I'm doing, you need to take your ass to the back and get my dick wet"

"No. Trent I can't believe your doing cocaine and talking to me like you lost your damn mind"

"Bitch didn't I say don't worry about me!" He yelled causing me to jump a little.

"Watch that bitch word" I yelled back.

"Bitch" He yelled again but this time pushed me into the wall.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" I yelled pushing him back.

He grabbed both side of my arms tightly and pushed me against the wall. "Trent move" I yelled trying to get out of his grip.

"You gone learn how to shut the fuck up" He yelled punching me in the jaw then backed away just looking at me.

I held my jaw looking at him in disbelief. "You got me fucked up" I yelled punching him in his face and just kept punching.

We were now fighting with each other like we was strangers off the street. Glass was being shattered. He pushed me into the counter we both tripped and fell into the table.

There was a loud banging at the door causing us to both stop. He got up storming towards the door.

He opened it to see two police men standing there. I was on the floor my hair everywhere and blood coming from my mouth.

"There was a complaint about to much noise" One of the officers spoke.

Trent stepped out side and closed the door behind him. I stood up limping towards the door.

It flew open before I could get there. "Your under arrest for Domestic violence" One of the cops said grabbing my arms putting them behind my back.

I was in total shock of how I was the one getting arrested. I looked over to Trent to see him with a smirk on his face shooting him a death glare as they walked me out of the house.

Everybody was outside being nosey of course. I wasn't worried about being locked up for long tho because neither one of them read me my rights.

The unexpectedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin