09 : Come As You Are

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Day 1

Luke's POV

Sweaty bodies danced and rubbed against each other.  Aren't we too old for this?

Michael, who is now 28 was doing the nae nae in the middle of the crowd. People stopped doing that dance yEARS AGO. By now Bryana and Ash have left, I'm not sure when they did leave but I do know that I am now bored. Calum, who has already turned 27, is talking to a girl further down the bar from me. They seem to be hitting it off. But that doesn't help me with my boredom.

The song came to an end and I sighed, the next one to start playing was very familiar.

"Hey, hey.

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey," Oh shit, "Hey, hey.

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey," This is not good. Like, at all.

The music continued to play, "Simmer down," Michael stopped dancing and looked at me.

"Simmer down," Calum's head whipped around to face me.

"They say we're too young now to amount to anything else," I stood up, "But look around," my dash towards the door was in vain. I group of girls squealed and started singing along to the song, "We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now," I flipped up the collar of my leather jacket to cover the side of my face as I walked by the girls, "If you don't swim, you'll drown," I reached the door and quickly slid out, catching the words, "but don't move, honey."

I cool breeze brushed against my face. I took a deep breath and took a look around. I had not come out of the main entrance, but through a side door. I heaved a deep sigh and leaned against the ally wall. I could not go back in there. And I would NOT be forced to listen to that song.

After a second, my moment of peace was broken by the door opening again. I heard the end of the chorus, "And I know now, that I'm so down, he-" The door was slammed shut.

Standing in front of me was a girl. She didn't look much younger than me with dark brown hair, when she turned my way, I saw that her eyes were a piercing green. In her floral dress, she did not look very intimidating. It came as a surprise when she growled in my general direction.

"Do you have a problem? Let me remind you that I was here first," I stated, crossing my arms.

The girl sighed, "no, its just that I can't stand that song. I used to be a die hard fan of  5sos but lately they all seem kind of off so I have distanced myself from them and their music."

The girl obviously could not tell who I was, "What do you mean by off?" I questioned.

"Well," she began. The girl opened her mouth to continue and then shut it, "Why do you want to know?" She began to move closer.

I turned my face away and thought fast, "My um... girlfriend likes them." What was I talking about? I haven't had a girlfriend in years.

That must have worked for the girl because she stopped acting strange, "Oh, well its just the guys, really. Ashton and Bryana were dating like 7 years ago and then they broke up in 2018 and then got back together just last year and now they are going to get married. I think that's a little strange, don't you? What if it isn't right? He would be heart broken! And Michael acts as if he is still stuck back in the Sounds Good Feels Good era. The other day he tweeted 'being older may sound good, but it sure as hell doesn't feel good #buySGFGoniTunes' NO ONE EVEN USES HASHTAGS ANYMORE!" This girl seemed pretty passionate about her hashtags. She continued, "Calum hasn't changed much I think, but I am worried about him, he hasn't managed to keep a girlfriend for over 3 months since Alice died."

I got a pain in my chest when the girl mentioned Alice. Back in 2021, Calum started dating a girl named Alice Wells. They really seemed to be in love. Alice had been one of those people that you just couldn't hate. But almost a year after they had started dating, Alice had died in a car accident. Just now, two years later, Cal was starting to move on. She still hadn't said anything about me, "So what about that Luke guy?" I questioned.

A frown began to spread over her face, "Yeah. Luke. For a while now the 5sosfam has noticed something is wrong. He has stopped smiling, stopped laughing and pretty much speaking all together. In recent interviews, he lets the other boys dominate the conversation. It has been pretty sad to watch, really."

I hadn't realized I did these things.

She kept talking, "A couple months back, he retweeted this thing about suicide, and a few days later he liked something about The 27 Club. That a grou-"

I stopped her, "I know what it is."

"Well anyway, his 27th birthday is soon, and everyone is really worried."

"Oh, well I sorry," I mumbled.

"Sorry for what?"

"That you are worried about m-him," I almost said me, that could have been bad.

"Yeah, its okay I guess. Thanks for listening, I think the song might be over now though. My name is Lea by the way," Lea reached out her hand to shake mine.

I grabbed it, "I'm Luke."

"What a coincidence huh? That you are both named Luke."

We headed towards the door, "I know, crazy, right?"


So I am eating Chinese food and it is good.

vote and comment and whatever.


-the queen of England

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