Guilty or innocent tag

62 4 18

Rule 1: you can only say guilty or innocent

Rule 2: you can't explain anything unless someone asks in the comments, tag 3-10 people

1. Asked someone to marry you guilty

2. Kissed one of your friends guilty

3. Danced on a table at the bar innocent

4. Told a lie guilty

5. Have feelings for someone you can't have guilty

6. Kissed someone of the same sex guilty

7. Kissed a picture guilty

8. Slept until 5pm innocent

9. Fallen asleep at work/school guilty

10. Held a snake guilty

11. Been suspended from school guilty

12. Worked at a fast food chain/restauraunt innocent

13. Stolen something guilty

14. Been fired from a job innocent

15. Danced on the school desks guilty

16. Laughed until something you drank came out your nose guilty

17. Played 7 minutes in heaven guilty

18. Kissed in the rain innocent

19. Sat on a rooftop guilty

20. Sang in the shower guilty

21. Been in a car/bike crash guilty

22. Kissed someone you shouldn't guilty

23. Shaved your head innocent

24. Slept naked innocent

25. Went two or more days without talking guilty

26. Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry guilty

27. Been in a band innocent

28. Shot a gun innocent

29. Donated blood innocent

30. Eaten alligator meat innocent

31. Eaten cheesecake innocent

32. Still love someone you shouldn't guilty

33. Have/had a tattoo guilty

34. Liked someone but will never tell who guilty

35. Been too honest guilty

36. Ruined a surprise guilty

37. Ate at a restaurant and got really bloated you couldn't walk afterwards guilty

38. Erased someone off your friend list guilty

39. Dressed in guy clothes(if a girl) dressed in girl clothes (if a guy) guilty

40. Been sick for over a month guilty

41. Been told handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said guilty

42. Still have a communication with your ex guilty

43. Cheated on someone guilty

44. Called a teacher a bad name guilty

45. A total stranger treated you by paying your fare guilty

46. Got totally angry you cried guilty

47. Farted in class guilty

48. Went 24 hours without sleep guilty

49. Thought about murder guilty

50. Thought about mass murder innocent

51. Stalked someone guilty

52. Rode in a strangers viehical guilty

53. Had a girlfriend/boyfriend guilty

54. Embarrassed yourself in a huge crowd guilty

55. Threw a hissy fit at least two days ago guilty

56. Ran away from home innocent

57. Competed in a talent show innocent

58. Went a week without eating guilty

59. Threw a party when your parents left innocent

60. Met an actor/actress innocent

Ugh this was so long, I'm tired anywho I tag Holla_guys DirTAEkookie mintheseoltangsuga

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