Chapter 1

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I looked down from the tall balance pole I was on. About 50 feet if I can remember correctly. The height didn't faze me anymore. Well, who am I kidding? It never fazed me.

*huff* "Jump already Iz."

That is Rj. My parabatai. What is that? That is my brother in all but blood. Not brother exactly, but closer. Angel knows how it's possible. Moving on. I jumped off the pole...well more like stepped off. The rush of falling can never be compared to anything else. Oh the feeling, the air rushing past you, the ground coming closer, the rush of adrenaline through your body, the fear because the ground is coming closer and you're gonna crash. The latter won't happen of course. I did a couple flips...and landed on the balls of my feet. I crouched low to take the force of falling off of my legs. Just a precaution. Even with my given case, Rj wouldn't be pleased if I broke my legs.

Not that I care. Well...maybe I do, just a little. I stood up and looked at Rj.

He shook his head. And muttered something that sounded suspiciously like "show off."

I might have showed off just a little. Just a LITTLE. I might have slowed my fall, just a bit.

But, I shook my head and gave him an innocent look. Almost like "who me? what are you talking about?"

"Oh don't give me that look, Iz. You and I both know you ain't the sweet little innocent thing you look like. Not even with the angel blood," Rj said.

I gave him a cheeky grin. "What look? And I AM innocent, you're just jealous you're not like me," I winked at him.

"Oh whatever Iz, I'm not jea-"

"Give it up Rj, and save it for later. Jace and I need to talk to Bella. Well you too, but mostly Bella." My mom walked in the training room. She's short. With crazy red hair. She was currently wearing black gym shorts and a black tank. It somehow made her look even shorter. She's about 5'3.5. Or 5'4 as she says. Dad says she used to be EVEN shorter. Like how is that even possible?

Well think of the devil and he will appear. Behind my mom was my dad. All tall and golden haired and head turning. I don't know how in the world they got together.

I take after my dad. I'm 5'7 and have long hair till my mid thigh, well really, its like 3 inches above my knee. I have blond hair and red and bronze streaks from my mother.

"Ya, ME and Clary need to talk to you two." My daddy, ever the attention seeking.

"It wasn't my fault, Iz's idea." Rj. He's crazy. But true. Kind of...whenever its a bad idea, its my fault. When its his, its a good idea. Ever the angel. But I guess SOMEONE has to be the angel and Mr. Goody-two-shoes between us.

"Hey, I didn't do it. I didn't do anything!" I suppose I have to claim up something.

"Oh for godsakes. Quit it you two. You sound like Alec and Jace. And that's not good for you. " Aunt Izzy.

"Nice, who else is coming here? In fact if it's the whole family coming to scold me, then why don't we just go to the LIVING ROOM? Hmmm?" Really though, if such an important thing, which it is because there usually isn't more than 2 people to scold me at any given moment, then why are we in a hot, sweaty place where me and Rj have been training for 3 freaking hours?

"Exactly my point." Uncle Simon. He and Aunt Izzy have a love hate relationship. According to Magnus, they've been making goo goo eyes at each other since before Mom and Dad. Though, Uncle Si says they weren't goo goo eyes and that Uncle Alec and Magnus were EVEN before THEM. All in all, it's what I call "The drama of which I have WAYY too much information about."

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