Chapter 16 - Forewarning

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The rain pelted him hard as he trekked his way up the hill to Jake's cross. It had started pouring a few minutes after he turned away from the house, turned away from Angelica. He wiped some water away from his eyes, though he was fairly certain some tears were mixed in. His life was rapidly uncoiling into a shitty mess, but there was not much he could do about it. Now he knew how the poor and homeless felt, no shelter and no food. He was soaked down to the bone and his teeth were chattering uncontrollably. Reaching the top, he completely stopped and dropped to his knees, his body slumped a little awkwardly to one side. His eyes were fixated on the stone, as if he were silently praying for a miracle. He raised his head to look out at the black emptiness, but instead caught sight of something else. He stared at it for a moment, then fell backward, his eyes as wide as the moon and took in the figure floating in front of the cross. He had to be dreaming, yet how could he have slept with the rain. The figure landed elegantly onto the ground, his eyes never leaving Zeke's and a warm smile plastered across his face.

"You do know staring is rude, yes?" The figure teased, though Zeke could not fathom how this guy could be jolly with everything else happening.

"H-How are you here? You're dead."

"Yes. Haven't you heard of the afterlife and no I'm not kidding before you even ask."

"It's not possible..."

"I don't care if you believe it to be possible or not. Look, I don't have a lot of time, so you need to listen. You need to leave Washington. It is not safe here anymore."

"No shit. There is a crazy old lady who wants to blow my head off with a shotgun."

"Not her, Zeke. Another calamity is coming and I can guarantee Washington will not survive. And not just Washington, states inland will be severely damaged too."

"How do you know?"

"Being a spirit, I am privileged to knowing things, but only so much. Also, what I am allowed to do is severely restricted. Such as this, I am forbidden to do."

"Then, how...?"

"I managed to sneak away, though she won't be happy."

"Who is she?"

"I am not allowed to say."

"Since when have you cared for rules?"

"It's not that I care to follow rules. I seriously cannot say who. If I try, my mouth clams up." The figure turned his head at some unheard sound, quickly turning back to him. "I have to go."

"Wait. Where should I go?"

The figure stared at Zeke for the longest time, as if truly pondering where to send him. When he spoke again, the words he chose were said with such conviction, it sent chills down Zeke's spine.

"Go back home."

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