Chapter 8

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Lauren POV:

To Camila:
hey babe. where have you been? its been 2 days. where are you? call me pls.

Its been 2 months a week & 4 days since our first date. Everything was going great, is going great. right?
2 days ago Camila didn't text me my 'good morning' text, & i haven't heard from her since then.

~~~~ The next day

To Camila:
okay, honestly this isn't fuckin funny. ur making me crazy worried WHERE ARE YOU?!

Okay, if shes not going to answer me I'm going to just have to drive over to her apartment & see what she's been up to. I mean she literally has called out of work 2 days in a row.


I got to Camila's apartment & banged on her door.
"Camila, babe. Are you in there?" No answer...
"okay, Camz I literally saw your car"

"Hey" the shorter women said as she opened the door.
"'Hey', watchu mean hey? why haven't you replied to any of my calls or texts?" i said as i leaned in to kiss her lips & she turned her head slightly so my lips brushed her cheek.
"what's wrong hermosa?" i asked my girlfriend.
"um, you know... i think we need to talk. Come in." she said not looking into my eyes.
i walk in & plopped down onto her sofa.
"Whats up?"
"okay..." she says sitting on the sofa next to me "so i got a call from my father. My mother is practically on her death bed. Supposedly she feels so horrible for not accepting her eldest child for who she is. & basically i have go back up to New York & see her... i don't know what I'm going to do about work & all this stuff is racing through my mind. & you. most of all you Lauren." she said to me while grabbing the sides if my face. "Lolo, you're my life here. & i don't want to freak you out by saying that. But you are. You are why i wake up & go to sleep happy every night."
i swallowed hard.
"I love you Camz" please say it back.
Her lips started to form a smile.
"I love you too Lolo" she said as she placed the softest kiss upon my lips.

"This is what makes it so difficult. I don't want to leave. I have to though."
"What do you mean leave? like you're coming back right?" i asked nervously.
"It depends, i don't know. What if she does accept me? what if she lives longer? i have to be there." the fact that it felt so unfair to me. she was leaving & i felt angry. why is she leaving me. i felt empty inside, but what can i say? its her mother.
"i think you should. I mean, we'll still be together right?" i asked biting my lip.
"well, yeah? we can do long distance for a while?"
Long distance, doesn't that always end badly?


"I cant believe you're leaving" i said to my beautiful girlfriend.
"i cant believe I'm leaving my sweet Lolo here" she said with tears in her eyes as she puts her bag on her shoulder.
"Hey, its okay Camz, we'll see each other soon. We can Facetime & text all day. & i can complain about how much our new sub sucks" i said with a giggle trying to make her laugh.

"Lauren" she said with a tear coming down her face "These past few months with you have been the best of my life. That scares me. & i think thats why leaving you right now is literally killing me inside."
shes hugging me so tight & i feel my eyes start to water.
"I love you Camz. Hey, its only until we meet again." she nods her head like shes agreeing that we're definitely going to see each other again.
"Bye Lolo, I love you." She kissed me passionately. I want to remember this, the taste of her lips. "I love you too." i said as i waved & blew her a kiss as she walked onto the plane.

Emptiness. Thats all i feel.

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