1 'its starts now'

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// hello I'm Felicity and this is my first smosh Games book, this book will be based on Wes (Westheeditor) but they will be other members in this book aswell! Just warning I suck at spelling and putting some words together so just ask what I meant and I'll tell you, and I'm Australian so just go with my spelling. Also there will be swearing, violence, quite deep things and easier trigger things!//

Also I will put a music video up and try and fit in with the chapter!!
I can feel it ~ Hey Violet

Emmi's POV
"And sent" I said to myself, you finally had the guts to send your audition. There's no turning back, you left your computer and walked down stairs. You saw your mum just walk inside back from her job "hey mum guess what!" You said excitedly, she put her purse down "what?" She asked, you know she wouldn't be happy with it. You told her you wanted to join Smosh Games since they announced that there where auditions, but mum and dad would say that I would have to move and I am only 15. "I sent my audition" I said and she signed, I know my mum if I did get in she would be so proud but she's not ready for me to move.
"That's cool Emmi, but you know it will be a lot of planning if you do get in" she reminded me, "I will be fine" I said I hugged her and walked back upstairs to my room. I ran up the stairs skipping one each time as I'm to tall for life, and I reached my door and I jumped onto my bed. As I was relaxing on my queen blue bed my sister Hayley came into the room, she was wearing her pink leotard and her hair was up ready for gymnastics. "SIS SIS CAN WE DO SOME GYMNASTIC PRACTICE PLEASE!" She jumped on me and I grown as it hurt, I got up and told her I'll be there in a minute. If you didn't know Hayley is my adopted sister, she's 7, she shares a bed room with me and she's better at gymnastics then me. I also got a brother who was also adopted who is 10 but you will meet him later.
I went to my draws and I got out a blue leotard and some gym shorts and quickly put my hair in a ponytail, I walked down stairs into the back room that is our gymnastics room. Hayley was there stretching so I joined her as we did some gymnastics together.

- 1 week later -

I was looking at my comments on my YouTube channel, I wasn't a big YouTuber I really just did some game plays, covers and gymnastics videos but I still had some really nice fans. I stopped as I got a email so I clicked on it and this was what I said....

Dear Emmi
We have seen your audition and we want YOU to be apart of the official smosh games YouTuber, you will be apart of our videos and you will have your own series's. If you can move her and soon as possible that would be great and we would love to register a Skype call so we can discuss.
Thanks, Smosh Games director

I screamed on the top of my lungs, thank god no one was home yet. You couldn't believe that your going to be apart of smosh games, you replied straight away no hesitations!

Thank you so this is my Skype (this is fake btw) Emmismith, we can Skype anytime!

I get my Skype up and looked at myself in the mirror to see if I look ok, I shut the door and cleaned behind me and got a Skype call. I clicked on it and Soinki and lasercorn pop up on my screen "hello!" I said smiling my face off, stop Emmi you creep! "Hey Emmi, we just wanna talk about some things" lasercorn said and he put his note book up to the screen. After we talked we just talked about what I'd do there and the rules and so on, the question I was waiting for was finally asked "so I know ur from Australia and your 15 so how are you going to get here and we're are you staying?" Soinki asked and I froze, what do I say my mum and dad said we will discuss it if I get in. "Um my parents haven't talked about it yet" I said and I was embarrassed bc that I didn't know the answer to a question. "Well one of the members Wes actually has a room left in his apartment, we are also in the same building" I nodded and wrote it down so I will remember to tell mum "ok your in! Just here is wes number so ur parents can talk to him" they said typing his number in our chat "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I said. We said our goodbyes and we stopped the call, when the call was ended I jumped around the room like a headless chicken full of excitement!

Mum came home with Hayley since they were at gymnastics, I ran down stairs and was still jumping around crazy " MUM I GOT IN!" I yelled in excitement, Hayley was confused and my mum was happy "that's great but remember we need to talk about this" she said and I smiled "don't worry we can talk about it now" I hold my phone and showed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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