To Remember You?

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As I finished singing to the melody, a ringing broke into my thoughts disrupting the calm. I groaned and ran into the kitchen to answer the phone. " I can't look after Toby I have things to do.....fine but you better pick him up first thing tomorrow" I slumped against the wall and sighed.

How did they always manage to talk me into this?

Walking upstairs the clock caught my eye. 9:37am. They'd be here in less than an hour. They knew I'd say yes. You're so stupid Sarah! I thought to myself, pulling on a pair of blue skinny jeans to match my white blouse and tanned brown boots. I was quick to get ready and sat on the window sill to catch up on reading  the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. I'd read it before but was hooked, unable to detach from the world, the characters.

What feels like five minutes passed and a loud, relentless knocking came from the front door. I ran downstairs and opened it to see my father looking like he was ready to kick the door down.

"I've been knocking for ten minutes Sarah! Where in the blazes were you?" He seethed. Looking as though wanting to yell instead he hadn't for Toby ran to the porch. Pulling the small four year old into my arms I contemplated the best way to answer the question.
"I was reading". I answered short and simply.
"Well I hope it's worth our being late to a very important lunch".

I didn't have too look after Toby, I'm not your slave.

The urge to speak my thoughts was strong but I pushed it away and silently walked back inside. I never saw the point in arguing with my father, it's not like he'd stop asking me for favours. Besides why should Toby suffer anymore than he already had to? Both of his parents were self centred and had little care for his feelings. I had experienced the same problem even as a teen which is the soul reason this house was mine.

I put Toby on the couch and tiredly sat next to him. "What do you want to do Toby?" I questioned with a small but encouraging smile. "Watch Labith!" He cheered, running to his bag and pulling everything out in search for whatever Labith was.
"Toby have you no idea how to keep things tidy?" I groaned standing up lazily and picking up the many things from the floor.

"I can't find it!" The child began bawling so I picked him up and walked into the kitchen. It was late morning which in my mind meant food.
"Toby get me two plates and be careful". He did so with an eager skip to the cupboard as I prepared some left over hamburgers from last night. The morning passed quickly with Toby on my tablet playing games and my doing house work.

Sarah noticed her brother weeping into the couch and took a break to comfort him. "What's wrong bud?" She questioned sympathetically, rubbing his back.
"My movie it's gone! Mommy said its in my bag but it's not" He cried, now in full blown tears. She sprung up in frustration and took hold of the bag.

I had had enough by now, what was so important about a movie anyway? Emptying the bag carelessly as the contents tossed in all directions. Finally, a movie case hit the floor. Sarah dove down almost tripping over and took it into her grasp only for it to fall back to the ground.

I have to be dreaming, this is not real!

She thought cautiously retrieving the case only for her fears to be confirmed. The Labyrinth was written in bold red lettering. A collage of pictures overlapped one another with a large and clear one in the centre. Dare Sarah say whom lie in it for she feared the answer could somehow be true.


The very thought of his name formed goosebumps on her skin and all the fear came back in an overwhelming tidal wave of emotion. Another feeling she couldn't quite place was just as prominent if not more.....


Before she could move, think, react or even take another breath Sarah collapsed, eloped into total darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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