Chapter Two: Draco

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Chapter Two

Draco Malfoy sped down the west corridor, a relaxed expression upon his face. He had to get back to the Slytherin dorms soon or someone would find him not only out of bed, but still in half his uniform.

He wouldn't allow himself to worry.

After everything that happened last year, he didn't come back to Hogwarts just to allow himself to worry about petty things like getting caught out of bed.

Of course, that didn't mean he wanted to get caught. Mcgonagall had had enough trouble deciding wether or not to even let him in the school after the happenings of last year, but she had eventually decided to let him attend his eighth year at Hogwarts since he couldn't be blamed for anything he did last year. 'None of it was Mr Malfoy's choice, after all. '

She certainly didn't seem happy about an Ex-Death Eater within the school grounds, but that made sense. No one seemed happy to be anywhere around him anymore. There were a few of his old friends who had stuck by his side, but most had abandoned him long before the school term had even started.

And the whispering never stopped. Obviously no one ever said anything to his face, but he could tell. Rumors like those would haunt him his entire life.

He chuckled humorlessly as he thought to himself 'Wow. Classes haven't even started yet and people are already avoiding you. Nice going, Malfoy.'

The long, black corridor stretched out in front of him as he wondered if he had misjudged this journey, as it was seeming to take a lot longer than he had thought.

'Ah, well ,' he thought 'anything can happen when you're alone with your thoughts.'

Draco heard a quiet sound off to his right.

'It was probably nothing' he thought, and shrugged it off, slightly more on edge than before.

There it was again. Like a soft sob, off in the distance. He sighed as he realized it must have just been Moaning Myrtle terrorizing some first year who had been foolish enough to use the bathrooms in the middle of the night.

After the third sob Draco had had enough.

'Shut up, Myrtle!' he hissed into the blackness. After a minute or two of complete silence, he was satisfied that Myrtle had got the message, so decided to carry on walking, in case someone had heard him.

He got around half way down the corridor before hearing another noise, slightly different this time. It sounded a little like a small sigh, followed by a shuffling sound.

Thinking it was just Moaning Myrtle messing around again, he heaved a sigh and whisper-yelled

'Myrtle! Shut up!'

before he carried on walking forwards.

He only got a few steps further before feeling something hit his legs and crashing to the floor.

Turning himself around on the floor, he heard a quiet sigh and a woman's disgruntled voice say


Wait... He knew that voice...


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