Chapter 19- 12am

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I can see you!!!

Who are you?

It's me?

Your creep?


Is Jewell there?

She in the bathroom. It's her friend.

Ok, tell I have been texting her when she gets back.

Why is your name someone?

That is what she named me as.

What is your name?

I could not find it out when looking at all the messages before this.

First of all could you not look though mine and Jewell messages, that private. And second, you will not know my name. Jewell dose not even know.

So, good bye.

You not good for her. Just leave her alone. She does not love you.


Wait, wait. It's me.


Estás ahí. Quiero hablar contigo. (Are you there. I want to talk to you.)

Venga. Por favor, déjeme hablar con usted. (Come on. Please let me talk to you.)

Vi lo que dijo mi amigo para ti. Simplemente , no hagas caso a ella. Por favor.( I saw what my friend said to you. Just, dont listen to her. Please.)

Ok, Good bye. With love <3

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