Chapter One

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I looked down at the test, this can't be right. How can I be pregnant? We took precautions, we used a condom so how. I can't have a baby, I'm not fit to be a mother. I looked back at the test and it read positive. My life is officially over, I can kiss everything goodbye. I sat down on the tub and cried. My parents aren't going to be happy, but they aren't who I'm concerned about. My brother is my concern, he's going to be so disappointed in me. I fucked up big time man. Oh my gosh, what about my baby daddy, how do I even tell him. He don't need a kid in his life I mean come on he got football to worry about.

Knock, Knock.

I wiped my tears away, "Just a moment." I put the test in the box and put the box in my purse. I stood up and I opened the door, my brother stood there.

"Hey lil sis, what's wrong" he looked concerned. I wanted to tell him, but I wanted to be sure that I was actually pregnant first.

"Nothing, just stressed. Its good to let a few tears fall every now and then, right" I lied.

"Of course, but come on, the party bout to start up" he grabbed my hand. I let him dragged me back down the stairs and down to his friends 30th party. He immediately got surround by a bunch a girls, I just walked over to a empty table and sat down. He was so popular with the ladies, to bad they was all so thirsty to see that he wasn't interested in any of them.

Someone tapped my shoulder, "Ashlyn why you all alone." I knew that voice anywhere. That voice belong to none other than Odell Beckham Jr., the baby daddy.

I hugged him, "I'm just not feeling it today." He gave me a smile and sat down beside me. We were friends and we had a one nighter, that's all it was suppose go be, but I was starting to have feelings for him. Have I told him about those feelings, no. He my brothers best friend and I don't think August would approve of us dating anyway.

"Ash, what's on your mind" Odell asked, again.

I smiled, "Nothing." He took my hand and smiled at me. I held on to his hand, hoping and praying the test was wrong. An hour later I was still at the party, the only reason I was still there is because Odell wanted me to stay and talk to him. We had our laughs and we got serious while we talked. I had knew him for almost a year now, but this was our first time actually sitting down and really getting to know each other. He was pretty interesting, he talked about his baby brother Sonny. He showed me a picture, and Sonny was a cutie pie. He showed me a picture of his sister and other brother. They all looked alike.

"Don't y'all look cute together" August voice came from behind us. Odell and I turned around to face him. Odell let my hand go, I don't think August noticed either.

"Shut up" I frowned.

"Well I tried" August added.

"Tried? You never let me date anyone. Your always in my way" I  commented.

August looked at me, "Ashlyn, you okay?" I looked at the floor, I didn't feel good.

I stood up and grabbed my purse and keys, "Gotta go." Before they could say anything else I hurried away from the table and headed toward the door.

"Ashlyn" someone called out! I turned and came face to face with Amelia Joyner. August has been messing around with her for sometime, I don't like her she fake. I tried telling August once, but he told me I was hating.

"What" I looked at her.

"Don't ruin this party for him. Go back over there and talk to August. We can't never do nothing because he always worried about you" she said. I looked at her, like really looked at her. I wanted to hit her, fuck her ass up, but I caught a glimpse at August making his way over towards us. I stepped closer to her so only she would hear what I was about to say.

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