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Ever since Cas became human, he's been confused by a lot of things. Using the bathroom, showers, other things that angels don't do. Eating is strange, but enjoyable. Before, everything tasted like molecules. Now he can taste everything as a human would. Peanut butter and jelly is particularly enjoyable.
But out of everything, emotions are the strangest. He's had to ask Sam and Dean about some emotions, they're just so complex.
Cas and Sam had gone to the store to get snacks and beer, and the drive home consisted of Cas asking quite a few questions. As they pulled up to the bunker, Cas finally spoke up about something that has been bothering him. "Wait, Sam."
Sam turned around and looked at him. "Hm?"
"Something has been confusing me lately and I just wanted your opinion."
"Yeah, sure." Sam said, closing the door of the impala.
"So, as you know, I've been confused by a lot of things during my time as a human. But there's something that's been bugging me. I feel like this is personal or that I shouldn't tell anyone, and I don't know why."
"What's that?"
"Well, it's about Dean. Before I became human, I just felt that Dean and I had a strong bond. But, now, whenever I'm near him, my hands get sweaty, my heart beats faster, and I get nervous. And I think the phrase is... having butterflies in your stomach. That's sort of a ridiculous saying though, obviously there aren't butterflies in my stomach. But, I'm just confused why I feel like this."
Sam grins and laughs a bit. "Cas, I think you're in love with Dean."

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