TMNT Soul Mates

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Ok here  is some info on the werewolves

Hello there my name is Neda smith and i like to dance, meditate,and train with my katanas let me see what else can i oh ya iam 18 years old and i have wavy midnight black hair that goes to my hips, blue eyes,freckles,five foot eight,leader of my three best friends that are like sisters to me,we are from Japan,enemy to the shredder because he murdered my parents and my sisters family for reasons i dont know of yet ......I dont want to talk anymore lets let my sisters introduce themselves.

Ump ...... i dont wanna tell everything about me i want to be a mystery badass sooooooo iam Zoe Jones yep i sayed Jones we will get to that later now were was i........18 years old,red hair that goes to my shoulders,green eyes,my weapon is the sia,five foot four ya iam short dont say anything or I WILL NOCK THE DAY LIGHTS OUTA YA!!!! ya got it good iam done. 

Hi my name is Charlie O'Neil  and iam 18 years old,brown hair that goes to the middle of my back,purple eyes,five foot ten,and i love science an experimenting,my weapon is the bo staff.

WOOHOOOOOO!MY TURN!my name is Clover Price iam the most awsomest skateboarder eva,blond hair,five foot five, my weapon is nunchuks,beautifull pink eyes,queen of video games and awsomeness and i guess that is it besides we are on our way to new york to see Zoe's cousin and find a place to stay that is big enough for four werewolves and that my beautifull people is were our story starts.

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