Broken Vow

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(A video Script)

© Ms. Merra Mae Ramos

Dara Park and Lee Min Ho

1. Camera shows the sky where there is no sign of appearance from the light of the moon and the shinning stars to the Reunion party near the pool.

Instumental music of "STARLIGHT TEARS" by Kim Yoo Kyung
(Musical : Theme: sad, waiting for special someone)

2. Camera slowly focus to Dara who is wearing a gray cocktail dress and high heeled shoes with a crimson purse. She is crossing her legs and looking elsewhere.


Camera slowly turns around the entire venue of the party.

Camera turns to Dara who is now checking her white wrist watch.

At the back of her mind:
           "If he will arrive, then we are destined to be, but if he won't, it's about time to move on and let him go."

3. Camera shows the quests who are still enjoying the party.


4. Camera turns again to Dara who is now standing and roaming around the venue.


Camera focus: her hopeless face

At the back of her mind:
              "I think are not meant to be. He does not show up. I never see him, even if his own shadow. It's better for me to go.

Camera shows Dara who is slowly walking away from the venue, but she is still looking around.

Camera turns to the entire venue.

5. Camera: Dara's POV at the back of a tall man who is wearing a black suite, black pants and black shoes.

Instrumental Music of "NI YAO DE AI", by Penny Tai
(Theme: sweet love song, longing for love one)

Camera Focus: Dara's face who looks nervous, her hands touching her arms.

Camera turns and wheels from the head to foot of the tall man.

6. Camera turns to Dara who slowly approaches the man. She asks a question with a trembling voice and teary eyes.


Dara: Min Ho is that you?

Camera: The man slowly faces to Dara.

Camera focus: on his face

Camera turns to Dara's lightens face with a smile.

Broken Vow (A video script)Where stories live. Discover now