The lone ranger - and his friends

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Heyyy. Sorry this chapter is soooo short, I am ashamed. I hope you all like the story so far! Also sorry for all the spelling mistakes in chapter one, spell checker on my Ipad is weird. Please if you have any ideas for the story just let me know! Also please remember to vote an comment! Love yah



Ariana's P.O.V

I guided the two men to the guest rooms, it took a while to find one that wasn't occupied by two or more screaming girls. Well that's my friends for yah. Chris would now be sleeping next door to Jade which wasn't that bad, considering she was the most normal out of the group. Now Logan was harder. No  way was he sleeping anywhere near Kitty, even if she now had a potential boyfriend (lucky girl). It was now hard to find a free room. Unless ......

Should I risk it?

Yup, I was. I was going to offer Logan the room next to mine. I swear I'm not being a stalker! If I had of known Chris and Logan were gonna be here I would've had time to sort out a room arrangement. 

Wait, what was wrong with me? I was talking like an airhead, stumbling, blushing and being sensible . Why am I acting so weird, well weird for me. Time was passing as Logan and I walked in silence.  I should say something, I can't stand awkward silences and if I think to myself much longer, well, it won't end well. 

"So um, the weather's nice", I mumbled. Seriously, I'm going with the weather, what a cliché. God cliché is such a weird word. 

"Seriously, weather that's what your going with?" Logan asked. 

"What's the matter with weather?" I asked innocently. 

Logan smiled a little. Finally! I don't care who they are but no one dares be in a bad mood when in my Presence, seriously, I could have My old math teacher in stitches. A math teacher!

"Well at least I made an effort", I muttered

" It's too cold if you ask me", he said. 

"Dude this is California, we don't know the meaning of the world cold", I smirked, "and besides cold weather is awesome, cold weather means hot chocolate and movies". Logan's eyebrows raised, *gasp* am I detecting a common interest? 

We made it to the guest room, I can't put my finger on why we don't use this room anymore. Logan was about  to enter when my idiotic Brain remembered. 

"LOGAN DON'- Too late, as the door  opened Logan and I were both floored by a large group of gremlins, A.K.A My stupid brother and his friends. They were dressed up as cowboys and Indians, I could easily pick Ronan out as he was the only one wearing a mask. 

"RONAN!" I screamed kicking frantically in the net they had now placed over the two of us. The boy was six years old!

"We caught the Wendigo!" he jeered. Uh, no. Why does that sound familiar. Wait, cowboys and Indians, mask, wendigo. Fuck me he was pretending to be the lone ranger! I knew I shouldn't have brought him to see that Film!

"Ronan you let us go right now!" I shouted. His friends only laughed, oh I swear to God when I get out of this. Someone else jumped out of the room, much taller than the others but was wearing a cowboy hat. Uncle Chris that son of a bitch!

"Your right that's defiantly a wendigo", he laughed. Just he waits until I get out. 

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I snapped, I was getting even more tangled in the net, the cause of both Logan and I struggling. 

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