Lone Wolf Form/Information

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These wolves tend to stay in the unclaimed center the packs have formed. The land provides plenty of elk and small animals to hunt.

Lone wolves-

• Luka (Be_a_hero )
• Luna (NatePatWantsToBOOtle )
• Damian (ScarletFlower165 )
• Serenity (Dieselkeough )
• Lykos (-The_Wolf_Among_Us-  also, it wouldn't let my have the ' over the Y, sorry bout that)
• Kendall (getreadytoread111 )


Wolf appearance~

My form(I'll be using this):

~Name~~ He calls himself Daniel because his name was never given to him.
~Age~~ 12 moons
~Gender~~ Male
~Wolf Appearance~~ Years of being a lone wolf shows in his appearance. He has old scars running down his back and his hind legs. His eyes are a vibrant green with a dash of yellow swirling in his iris'. His fur is a dirt brown color mixed in with a lighter tan color. The muscles on this wolf have grown on him from years of fighting for his own life.
~Personality~~ Daniel is very slow to trust. He is aggressive and doesn't take kindly to new wolves. He has been offered a place in a pack once upon a time, but his distrust towards packs ruined that opportunity. Daniel doesn't like to share his kills with just any wolf. He has grown up throw hate and won't know how to react to a simple act of kindness or love.
~Mate/Crush?~~ Open.

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