Chapter 3

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The murky sky groaned, preceding flashes of lightning that scarred the dark mural for just an instant. The gusts howled and tore through the streets, manipulating the flurry of rainfall to its whim. The rain pattered with increasing vigour, creating a cacophony as the water droplets the size of marbles smashed into everything within range; the windows, metal shutters, umbrellas that were protecting their owners, me, all under siege from an unrelenting storm. Being pelted by these raindrops felt akin to having a shower with rocks, impeding me from moving forward. I squinted my eyes and shifted my left forearm onto my forehead as I manoeuvred through the torrent. My clothes started to weigh me down, soaking up water and sticking onto my skin. Not the ideal image to save a damsel in distress.

I turned the corner where the girl, then Tucker, Ritz and Liana disappeared behind, hoping to see them and stop whatever plot they had in mind. They must have started running, which I was really not up for. I unwillingly broke into a jog down the street, going past buildings that were nearly identical, save the huge numbers that were printed on the concrete walls. There was a lack of activity along the way, mostly due to the storm. What few pedestrians made haste towards their destinations, struggling against the strong winds as they held their umbrellas tightly. The street lights flickered on, reacting to the darkness that had befallen upon the city. I went past two more junctions before I caught sight of movement from the corner of my eye. The beam of light from the streetlight was disturbed along the street on my right. I started towards that direction, hoping it will lead me to them.

As I neared the alleyway just past the streetlight, Liana dashed right out of it, causing me to hop backwards in surprise. Oddly, she stopped for a second and threw a glance at me. Her hair was swept back, allowing her deep blue eyes to make direct contact with mine. She pointed down the alley with her thumb as if informing me of their location and began sprinting down the street, her figure shrinking into the raging torrent of rain.

I leaned against the wall, tilted my head and peeked into the darkness of the corridor next to me. I could see Tucker, his husky body looking much more intimidating now that his soaked white shirt can be somewhat seen through. He and the girl were facing each other, with his back to me. She was sandwiched as Ritz stood behind her, arms at the ready to grab. I pulled back from the corner immediately, wondering if Ritz saw me. Giving away my presence now will prove to be disadvantageous. 

"Take off that watch er'yours now, don't want you doin' anythin' funny. I'd prefer not to harm you, precious..." Tucker announced, his voice loud and clear. There was a faint chuckle, most likely from Ritz.

I only have a few moments before they presumably try to incapacitate her. Panic started to set in, my pulse rising as I scrambled to think of a way to help the girl. I looked around, hoping to find something of use. The barren street offered nothing to help. I lifted my left arm to access my smartwatch, deliberating over the decision to contact the police. To be caught between a crime against an O could very well mean execution or permanent detainment if I could not prove myself innocent. If the O were to receive any brain damage before the police arrive, I am just as liable as Tucker and Ritz, and they would definitely try to use me as a scapegoat. The risk is too big, involving the police would be more trouble that it is worth.

I took a few steps back from the corridor and activated the holographic keyboard. I searched for police siren and started to download the sound file. Three minutes until the download is complete. I needed to buy time. I maxed out the volume and set it to play when complete. I took off my watch and moved around the corner of the building. I squatted on top of a drain grate next to the pavement and  strapped the watch to it.

"Unhand me this instant!" came a feminine voice through the noise of rainfall. I rushed towards the alley, there was no time to consider anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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