May 2016 - Hit the Beach

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Holiday at the beach - who could ask for more! Though Tom has had to work a bit, we've had a number of days together here at the end of our holiday.

Tom and I have been married for almost two years. We've spent that time learning to balance his acting career and mine as a freelance photographer. That's how we met - I was contracted to shoot photos for a Vanity Fair story, and Tom was the subject. We hit it off right away, both of us possessing a wicked sense of humor. When we finished the shoot, Tom asked me out for coffee, which I accepted.

It wasn't that I wanted to hang around with Tom Hiddleston, the actor. I'd spent time with other stars. It was that I'd seen something in him during the shoot, some bits and pieces of the man behind the mask that celebrities don in order to keep themselves sane. That must be hard to develop...the celebrity mask, I thought. You definitely can pick out the celebrities who haven't mastered it - they either believe their own bullshit or have gone a little bonkers themselves.

After our coffee date, there was a proper first date, then a weekend together, finally meeting the families, etc., and as they say, the rest is history.

Tom and I have developed a little routine during this holiday. He rises early to go for a quick run. When he returns, we do a bit of yoga (or maybe a little 'bedroom yoga', depending on how frisky he is or if I've decided I need to have my way with him), then we have breakfast and begin our day. Some days we simply go to the beach and frolic or swim. After all, the beach is private with Tom and I being the only visitors for days. Other times we go out exploring. To be honest, every day is a good day as long as Tom is at my side.

Today's routine has been interrupted by work. Tom checked his email last evening and found a message from his agent about a particular script in which Tom has been interested. Apparently, the lead actor dropped out of the project, leaving an opening for Tom.

Tom really wants this role, so how can I hold it against him that some of our holiday time is spent working? Especially when he gave me puppy-dog eyes, saying "Pleeease. I'll make it up to you." Once I caved in, he let out a whoop and tackled me on the bed, kissing me, and showing me one of the ways he planned to make up for his time working.

Tom went on his usual run this morning, but there was no yoga of either variety afterward, and breakfast was tea and toast. I entertained myself while Tom read the script. At first, I checked my own email. Then, I edited some photos we took on this holiday. Finally by late afternoon, I can't take it anymore.

"Babe, I'm going for a walk."

"Uh-huh," is his response.

"Tom, I said I'm going for a walk," I say, not sure if he heard me. There's no response this time. If he's not going to at least acknowledge me, I'll play dirty.

"While I'm out, I think I might look to see if I can find another hot stud muffin, you know, to keep me company."

"What? Oh, I'm sorry, Love. I'm deep in this right now. Did you need something?"

Yes, I think. I need my husband's attention.

"No. Just wanted you to know I'm going for a walk."

He smiles at me and takes off his glasses. "Come give us a kiss, then," he says in a goofy voice that is somewhere between Julia Childs and Mrs. Doubtfire. I laugh and walk toward him. He pulls me on his lap, kissing my neck playfully while making smooching noises.

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