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Freshman year was over quicker than a flash, it was the summer before high school. I was packing my clothes as my mother walked into the door she asked if I was ready to go Scarlett? I replied with "can I have 5 more minutes please" she answered with "make it quick" I quickly shut my bag and ran out the front door and sprinted next door where my best friend lived I ran into her giving her a huge hug and spent the rest of my time with Jamie we have been friends since before primary school.

I was so upset that I was moving cause I would miss all my friends and my home town. My mum came to Jamie's house and called out my name I didn't answer the first time so she went to the back of the house and called my name again she could see me jogging towards the house. She told me to hurry up and get into the car. I gave Jamie a hug and we walked to the car and talked in the car for a while until mine and Jamie's mums came and told us that we're leaving. I said bye as we drove I had my window down and and my hand out the lwindow waving to Jamie.

I see her mum take her inside so I wined up my window and look at my phone and started texting her. I keep texting her for a couple of hours until I got so tired that I fell asleep with my phone in my hand. I woke up from my mum telling me that we are here I look out the window all I see is a couple of guys standing in a group one of them walk the house as the rest follows him. I walked up to my room and looked out the window I can see right into a guys room I quickly close my blinds thinking one of them are looking at me.


I've unpacked and went into the kitchen to see if there is anything for me to eat, I ask my mum  if I can go around the corner of the street to the shop and have some lunch (totally forgetting about the group of guys next door)
My mum replies with "sure but don't be to long and can u grad me a drink while you are down there?" "Thanks and sure will" I answer her with.

I walk to the little shop around the corner and buy my mum a can of Fanta (because that her favourite drink) and I grad a meat pie and some hot chip covered in salt and vinegar I paid for them and walked home trying not to drop anything I think to myself maybe I should of said yes for a bag.

I reach my drive way and I look at the neighbours house  and the boys start walking out I quickly look at my feet and walk through the door way I give mum her drink and run up the stairs and open my blinds thinking all the boys are outside but it turns out that one of the guys were still in the room but I keep them open thinking that he was going to leave. I start eating and relies that my room was super hot so I open a window to let some breeze come into the room.

I keep eating and as I opened the bag that had the chips in it I hear someone call out "hey" I didn't think they were talking to me but then I hear another "HEY?!" I look out my window it was the guy next door I couldn't really tell what he looked like though but I said "what?!" With croaky voice "do you want to share those or not" he replies with, with a tone in his voice I say back to him "ok 1 minute" I get the the chips and walk to his house I ring the door bell and wait for someone to answer I hear someone jogging down the stairs and as the door starts to open I get butterfly's in my stomach I look at his face and say in my head "fuck he's HOT😍" straight after I think that I relies he was trying to say something "hello?" He says with a confused face "yeah sorry" I reply he repeats himself again "do u
You want to come inside?" I say "yes please" he say "upstairs second one to the left" I follow what he says and sit on his bed waiting for him to walk through the door he takes his time and then finally walks though his bedroom door with two drink in his hands "want a drink?" He asked me yes please" I replied "you can pick out a movie if u want and by the way what is your name?" He said to me "No thanks and my name is Scarlett crooks what's yours?" I answered "Jack Gilinsky" he said whilst eating a chip we started talking to each other about us I found out that he goes to the school I will be attending and that he has a younger sister that is 13 and that he turns 18, 2 days before I do. We had been talking for ages I didn't even realise that it was dark out until I couldn't see his face any more.  I walk home and say goodnight through the window I close my window after he says it back and close my blinds.

Hope your enjoying it so far

I'll try and write as much as possible


My dream story // Jack Gilinsky Where stories live. Discover now