First Day

307 10 2

[f/n] = first name  [l/n] = last name  [f/f] = favourite food [f/d] = favourite drink [f/c] = favourite colour [h/c] = hair colour [h/l] = hair length [e/c] = eye colour 

Your P.O.V

Today is first day of school, I moved schools because of my parents divorce so we came here to find a new life.

I took a deep breath before entering the main gate, I followed a map that I did to help me guide to the classes. Class 302

I slowly opened the door and entered. I felt really nervous

What if They don't like me?

What if something embarrassing happens?!

What if?!....

I shook off all the what-ifs and stood there in the corner of the door silently. ' Good morning students!' The teacher said ' Good morning Miss. Charlotte..' The class responded ' As most of you have already realized we have a new student joining us today!' She looked towards me and nodded I stepped forwards to stand next to Miss.Charlotte' Hello Everyone! Im [f/n] [l/n] !' I said smiling as I looked around the classroom when something caught my eye.

On the very back on the classroom a dark-haired guy with emerald eyes who was sitting down. He looked at my eyes as I quickly looked away realizing that I was staring too much.

' Thank you [f/n] now you may have a seat' Miss. Charlotte looked at me smiled then back at the classroom I realize there was an open seat next to the guy I was staring at. I gulped and walked towards the seat I spotted. I quietly sat down and looked at the guy next to me again, He smiled and said ' Hi [f/n] ! Im Eren, Eren Jäeger' I smiled and we shook hands.

About 40 mins later the teacher told us it was break time, Eren and I walked out of the classroom. We were standing by the lockers when I heard a Hey Eren! As Eren and I look back we come across a guy and a girl standing next to each other. The guy was blonde his hair was long and stopped by his chin he also had crystal blue eyes, he was quite short compared to Eren. ' Hi ! I'm Armin and this is Mikasa!' he pointed at the black haired girl, her hair was short as for her eyes they were black and she looked emotionless. I smiled and shook hands with both Armin and Mikasa.

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