1: The Hunt Begins

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The Astrosis galaxy. A vast mass of swirling stars and planets, home to a thousand different worlds and communities of which would takes decades to traverse. These planets are home to a thousand species each, a thousand languages and a thousand worlds hidden away in a single speck of this universe, and that's only the planets. You forget to include the ships. Merchants, slavers, explorers, conquerors, and prisoners all traveling through the galaxy at lightyears of speed. But of all of these miniature worlds, we will focus on one. The Griffon.
The spaceship is the size of a large warehouse, slightly scuffed from rough landing but the metal still has a certain amount of gleam to it's body. Home-installed jet propellers keep it at a steady pace, pieced together rockets blasting energy into vast emptiness. It was currently rocketing between the planets Misthaven and Kelactis, twin forest spheres of endless green and condensation Misthaven however, was known for the grey fog that seemed to surround the planet all year round, shrouding the inhabitant in- well, mist. Kelactis was more jungle, warmer climate making way for more tropical creatures such as pixies. The Griffon was making its way in the middle, beams of energy quivering oddly as it moved. The captain was currently trying to figure out why..

"Lalna!" The technician glanced up from the hatch in the wall, pushing the pair of goggles father up his face. His blonde hair was messy and a small amount of sweat glistened on the man's forehead.

"Uh, yes boss?" He said, fidgeting slightly as he looked up into his captain's eyes. His nervousness was kind of understandable, seeing as Dave was not only taller than him but amazingly broad as well. The crew wasn't exactly sure what he did in his free time, but it had to be something physical. What else could explain the muscles that had been present since each of them had arrived?

"How's the engine going?" The captain raised an eyebrow as Lalna twitched.

"Ah, well, you see Dave, this really isn't my area of expertise so um- I don't really-" The man stuttered, unsure of how to answer.

"How's the engine going Lalna?" Kirin said lightly, lips curving in slight amusement. The blonde sighed and mopped his brow with the sleeve of his lab coat.

"To be honest, I have no fuckin' clue." The captain nodded, mutton chopped face twitching down slightly in concern.

"Hm, well I guess we're gunna have to hire a mechanic then." Lalna nodded dully, silently thanking the universe that he would be able to go back to the weapon room.

"Uh, I think it should be fine for a little while anyway." He fidgeted again as Kirin contemplated the machine.

"Hm, yes. Well thank you for your help, you may go." Lalna let out a breath of relief and set off, heading up the stairs towards the mess hall.

The halls were white and slightly dirty, floor scuffed from moving the cargo through halls. Lalna turned another corner as the electronics in the ceiling flickered to action. An image projected down to the floor, the purple hologram woman flickering into existence.

"Hello boss!"

"Lo' Nano." Lalna gave the AI a grin and continued walking. Nanobytes walked backwards, image flickering as Lalna's elbow passed through her. The pixeled girl had been designed by him last year and was currently functioning as the computer database, even if she was slightly annoyed by the concept.

"Engine troubles hm? That sucks." She grinned and blipped out as Lalna stepped into the doorway to the mess hall. The blonde sighed and came out the other end as Nano straightened her tank-top, one of the many small habits he had fit into her programming. He was glad she had appreciated the sweatpants seeing as baggy fabric was hard to code.

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