2: Misty Shores

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 The Griffon turned slowly in the air, thrusters going up in power. Shifting forward, it began it's decent into the atmospheres as the crew inside ran about with their own problems. Nano gave out the orders, giggling slightly as she watched through the camera in Kirin's room.

"What are you laughing at?" Lalna asked, picking up one of his guns.

"That information is classified." Nano said haughtily before giggling again. Lalna groaned.

"They're going at it again are they?"

"I'm not saying anything." The girl said smugly.

"You know it's a bit creepy to stare." The blonde hummed as he checked the guns for any faults.

"It's not my fault the office is part of my network! Plus it was you who wired that up anyway so technically your the creep." Nano shot back indignantly, frowning at him. Lalna sputtered.

"I didn't know they'd be doing that!"

"Potato potahto." Nano grinned.

"Shut up and help me check these won't you?" He changed the subject, holding up a couple advanced looking wristbands. Nano hummed.

"Ya, ya, just let me go get someone to grab Martyn first." She said, before blipping out and re-appearing across the ship in one of the bunks. Rumpled clothing greeted her from the floor as the crew members turned at her sudden appearance. They glared at her.

"Hello boys!" She grinned at the 3 men. Both Trott and Ross groaned in unison, turning towards her. The Walrott was sat on his bunk, apparently quite annoyed at being interrupted.

"Piss off Nano." Spiffy turned to glower at her.

"Wow, so rude. And to think I was only here to give orders!" She smirked, purple hands going to her hips. There was another moan of annoyance.

"Fuck' do you want Bytes?" Ross asked, crossing his arms. It would have been a bit more menacing if he could actually hit her, seeing as the lycanthrope was almost 2 feet taller than the hologram woman.

"Fine, fine. Kirin needs someone to go fetch Littlewood."

"Goddamit..." Trott growled as the others turned towards him.

"That's your cue Troutimus!" Smiffy said smugly.

"It is your turn mate."

Trott groaned again as Nano waved casually.

"Well I'll leave you fine gentlemen to figure yourselves out, see you!" She grinned and blipped back over to the weapon room, giggling. Ross nudged at his friend. Trott frowned, long tusk-like fangs moving slightly past his chin as his lips moved.

"Fuck you Hornby."

The slime man snickered from the farthest bunk.

"Go deal with the hippie mate."

"What if I don't wanna deal with the fuckin' hippie?"

"Shame cus your doing it anyway."

With a grunt, Trott pushed himself to his feet.

"Assholes" The man moved toward the door.

"Love you to" Smiff grinned as the brunet sulked out of the room.

Heading down the hallways, Trott passed the steel doors to the cargo bay, and towards the white ones across the hall. He ignored a clang emitting from somewhere off the hall and padded forward, letting out a small huff of annoyance at his task. He stopped in front of the white entryway, taking a deep breath to collect himself before extending his webbed hands towards a red button.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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