Part 2

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North's POV

I careened sang through the busy hallways and tried to keep her away from all of the slimy sweaty kids. She was holding onto my hand pretty tight but some shithead knocked into her sending her down.I caught a familiar wisp of dark brown hair as i lost the kid in the sea of students but shrugged it off as I held my baby closer to me. She seemed so on edge today and it killed me not knowing whatever it was she wanted to tell me. I was nearly jumping out of my seat in every class eager to get this day over with. A family meeting was long overdue.

North: Sang wanted a family meeting after school

Luke: Did she tell you what it was she wanted to tell us?

Nathan: Peanut? Why is everything ok?

Kota: Ok where should we meet.

Blackbourne: Is everything alright with Ms.Sorenson? Why would she call in a family meeting?

Gabriel: Oy luke what're you talking about what did she want to tell us?!?!?!

Sean: Pookie wasn't looking too well today anyway it'll give me an excuse to check up on her.

North: If you all haven't noticed she's been pretty distant lately

Kota: Now that you mention it I did notice she hasn't been herself lately....

Victor: Speaking of sang did you guys see her after lunch?

Silas: She came in for biology and then asked to go the bathroom, she should be back soon

Blackbourne: All of you, meeting today at Kota's make sure to tell sang. And victor don't worry. I saw Ms.Sorenson walk into the bathroom a few moments ago she should be fine.

Victor: Ok thanks for the reassurance Mr. Blackbourne.

Sean: Luke be sure to bring over those cupcakes you like, I'm craving some

Gabriel: Make sure to pick a peanut butter one without the vanilla filling

Blackbourne: Ok all of you get back to class. Sean focus on your students please. Your current students.

I chuckled slightly to myself at Dr.Green's behavior. He was supposed to be leading us alongside Mr.Blackbourne yet here he was acting like a little child.

"North Taylor....NORTH TAYLOR would you please hand over your phone." Shit busted... I looked at the teacher for a minute before shaking my head. I could feel the barely there vibrations from my phone and knew I couldn't just hand it over. This phone was way too valuable, it contained all of my pictures with Sang and it was my only way to watch over her. Sure if I lost it i could easily replace it but I would have to wait until after school and who knows how much I would miss.

"Nah i'm good. You can carry on with class." I knew it was stupid but I wasn't in the mood to handle this teacher's bullshit. He looked taken aback for a moment but it didn't take him long to regain his composure.

"Office. Now"

" Better than this useless shit hole of an english class" I thought as i made my way down the hall. The teacher stared me down until I turned the corner towards the offive. My phone started to buzz and it only kept increasing. I frantically checked the unread messages and my heart stopped.

Sang's POV

I opened the door to the nurse's office and waited semi patiently before asking to see the counselor. I knew that Sean would probably feel hurt that I didn't come to him first but i was having a breakdown and he shouldn't be forced to stand there and witness it.

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