Chapter 1

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There we were. Finally. Married, sharing a real bond that wouldn't be broken. Never again. We promised each other our best and only our best. 

But now we've gone over the best, and I'm pregnant.

For what I call 'a happy surprise', Josh calls a 'big surprise', and all I can think is how much this surprise will change our lives; everyday, every night I fall asleep, and that little baby growing inside of me is there too. 

Josh is happy, and of course I am too, this will really be our best achievement yet- but then I remember I have to hide the small bump from the public, go out in woolly coats, not do any modeling or telling friends the news in restaurants or bars. It's hard not to go ahead and tell everyone, but Josh wants us to keep it a secret for as long as we can. He wants something to just stay our story, and not theirs.

As a couple months went by, it became obvious. Josh and I decided that when questioned, we would answer honestly. Until then, we would keep our lives to ourselves. 

"Jen, are you alright?" Josh would ask me every hour, always a hand on my stomach and on my back for support. I would laugh and tell him I was fine, letting him relax for a while before checking again.

It wasn't until one night, I wasn't fine. Josh and I had just got some fast food and came back home, deciding to head off to bed.

"Hold on!" Josh threw away his jacket, rushing to my side.

"You don't have to walk anymore darling, for I will carry you." He grinned.

"You'll what?"I began to laugh, unsure.

"Allow me." He said, before attempting to pick me up bridal style, struggling a bit.

"Oh, this baby is really putting the pressure on me." His voice was strained.

I was laughing as he got me to the bedroom and sat me down, breathing heavily.

"So, just expect...more...of...that." He tried to catch his breath.

"I won't." I smiled, before taking his face in my hands and kissing him gently.

He pulled back and smiled, getting changed as I did the same. We got into bed and I felt his arm wrap around me.

"Goodnight Jennifer." He whispered, and then leant over, kissing me.

"And goodnight baby." He then kissed my stomach, the bump that had our baby.

"I love you both." He lay back down, stroking my hair.

"Goodnight Joshua and baby. I love you. More than anything." I said, closing my eyes and smiling, feeling at peace with everything.

I awoke to pains, running through my back sharply. I sat up quickly, Josh waking up in alarm.

"What? What is it?" He said, resting a hand on my back.

"Pains. I read this is normal." I took deep breaths, clutching Josh's hand.

As the pains got worse, I squeezed Josh's hand to the point of pain. He didn't mind, though.

"We need to go to hospital." He whispered.

"No." I snapped.

"Jen, you're in pain." He rubbed my back soothingly.

"It'll pass." I sighed, the true realisation of pregnancy hitting me.

"It'll be worth it." Josh read my mind.

A Different Life - Sequel to A Different LoveWhere stories live. Discover now