The Mask Riders

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Merrikh was restless today, Set noted, his composure not even interrupted by the movements of his shifting, carnivorous mount. The tall Tribal's lean body sat in the deep saddle, latched at the point where the Mask's powerful neck met his shoulders. Most just rode behind their mount's shoulders, with long reins. Set was one of two who dared to sit where the Mask could easily reach its head around and devour him. Not that Merrikh would, but it was enough to intimidate most, and to show his status to the rest.

A smirk curved his lips up, and he ran his hand over the silky-smooth scales on Merrikh's neck. His name, Merrikh, meant "death and slaughter" and he lived up to it well. The powerful head of the Mask was triangular and wedge-shaped, but slim and sleek, with powerful, long teeth that could tear open the toughest hides. It made them invaluable for grassland hunting, where even the strongest blades could barely dent scales. The strong muscles of the throat increased the strength of his fangs tenfold.

Over the Mask's green eyes was a white pattern, in the shape of a masquerade mask, pointed and tapered at the ends and round at the eyes. Along Merrikh's sleek, black body was swirling designs the same pure white as his mask. They made complex designs. Set's favorite was the one over his chest, a giant, blooming atchi-ga flower, with black petals outlined in white to show the shape. He couldn't explain why he preferred it over the other beautiful designs, but something drew him to it.

Perhaps it was the shade of blue the true, living atchi-ga was. A pale, light blue, only a little lighter than the sky that could be seen between the gaps of canopy and when hunting on the open grasslands with the other tribes.

Kailur's Mask, a large female named Mura edged up beside Merrikh, her nostrils flaring and her head tossing away from the temperamental terror master and his icy Rider. "What is it?" Set asked, voice as frozen as the peaks of the highest snow-covered mountains and prickly as the sharp, two-hand thorns on the stems of the Blood Roses.

"Two of the invaders. Near the Mother Tree." Set's eyes narrowed, their unreadable depths broiling with absolute fury and disgust.

"Mura caught this scent?" A curt-but respectful-nod, and Set's fists tightened their grip on his Mask's reins. Merrikh snarled eagerly, ready to sink his fangs into the monstrous creatures that so wantonly took over the areas of forest that they wanted, not caring that it belonged already to a Mask Rider.

His own territory was untouched so far, as his was closest to the Mother Tree, and the humans tended to not fell the trees near the Mother. Perhaps it was because of her exquisite beauty. No two-legged could harm her or the areas near her due to severe mental repercussions. He closed his eyes, recalling his first trip to the Mother, when he first became a Mask candidate. Then again, when his egg hatched, and Merrikh rejected all but him. He lifted his hand up slightly in front of him, releasing the reins, and turned his hand palm-up.

He still had the scar from where Merrikh had, as a starving little wyrmling, bitten down and drawn blood, sealing their lifelong partnership. Back then, his fangs hadn't even been half of a hand each. Now his regular teeth were nine hands, while his fangs were twelve. The Mask shifted closer to Mura. Her heat must have been coming on soon, because she nuzzled into him.

If she wasn't in heat, she wouldn't have been stupid enough to cuddle up to the black Mask. If she hadn't been so close to heat, the Mask would have killed her, female or not. As it was, Merrikh rumbled, a possessive noise that sent up a flurry of snarled protests from the other Masks-the ones whose Riders had dismounted to rest. A simple tug on the right, braided rein-rope and Merrikh sidestepped away from Mura, who hissed in irritation. A quick snap from Merrikh, ordered by his Rider, silenced her.

Respect was given to Set, or he would take it forcibly.

She scurried sideways a couple of steps, her brown eye rolling in its socket. There was a heavy silence between the two Riders as Kailur fought with Mura's reins to stop her from sidling away into a more irritable male. Kailur hauled her reins towards Merrikh, and she had no choice but to move closer, though she kept her neck out of reach of his fast, flashing fangs.

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