the begining (introducing)

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Once upon a time there were three girls
Those three girls are friends since kindergarten and they love each other a lot they don't go without each
Iam gonna talk to you about each one of them
Lana:Lana is a singer but besides singing she loves to party and spending time with her friends she has a crush on a guy called Jake and actually Jake does but they both don't know and Lana loves to wear what's on fashion
Jennah:Jennah is a model but also she loves spending time with Gracie and Lana to talk their advices about everything she doesn't like to talk to boys a lot cuz she doesn't get along with them a lot she is the nearest one to lana
Gracie:Gracie is an actress or a beginner she loves acting she sits with Lana and Jennah so they can take advices from her well she gives good advices she is dating a guy called Zach but he ignores her all the time so she spends most of her time with her friends

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