If i left and never came back

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A/N: This is to the bullies that bullied me all last year.

If I left and never came back would you realize how much it hurts??

Would you finally realize my worth?

Would you finally realize my strength?

Or would you consider me weak for leaving?

If I left and never came back would you leave me be?

Would you finally stop bullying me?

Would you finally care about me?

Or would you continue to harass me even though I wasn't there?

If I left and never came back would you notice I was gone?

Would you finally be done?

Would you finally let me rest in peace?

Or would you still want me in that seat?

The seat of pain that you put me through.

The seat of depression that no one seen in me.

That seat where you got everyone in on the bullying.

Would you start bullying the next one that came along different?

The next one that took my seat?

Or would you finally realize that words DO hurt?

Would you finally stop the bullying?

Would you stop the hurt you were spreading?

Or would you make other people go through the same stuff I did?

What if that happened to you?

What if someone started bullying you?

And what if that person got all their friends to join in?

What would you do? What would you feel?

I'm only letting you do this to me because I don't want other people going through this pain.

I don't want other people to feel worthless, stupid, and ugly.

I can deal with the pain and suffering, but what if someone else couldn't? And you were bullying them?

What if they took their life?

How many people would have to leave and never come back before you finally stop?

Please tell me how many.

Tell me how many precious souls have to be shattered before you finally realize the hurt you caused.

Tell me how many people have to cut or cry themselves to sleep every night just to get rid of some of the pain.

Please just tell me how many...

And I don't even know why you bully me, I did nothing to you.

I did nothing wrong.

I listen to my music, I don't even look at you.

So please just tell me why.

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