CHAPTER - 2 : Plan B

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'Dear Dairy,

                      I have to sadly state that my handkerchief-plan to make Pete notice me had been an utter failure. But fret not; I have in turn come up with another devious idea. And I can't go wrong this time around. He will be bound to talk to me now.

                     Oh, how foolish of me! Let me tell you about this seamless plan of mine. And to top it all, it's nothing of much work. I'll just pretend to walk around with loads of books or maybe paperwork and when my friends cue his arrival around the corner I'll just walk off right into him. Scattering all my books as a result. And he will be bound to help me in turn. No excuses what so ever. Isn't that amazing? I'll finally get to listen to his melodious voice from so up close. I wonder what he smells like. I've heard girls in the bathroom talk about him. They say he smells like chestnuts and peppermints. God! I'd die to just have a sniff of him.

Woah now! I sound like a creep. But oh well, I just can't help it. Is it natural to think about the boy you love so lewdly? Maybe. But tell that to my hormones. They just refuse to listen. Sigh!

Well anyway, it's almost twelve in the midnight. I suppose I should go to sleep now if I don't want to feel drained tomorrow.

Good bye and wish me luck, because I feel like I'll need it a lot tomorrow. :)'

Summara giggled as she thought about Patrice. She'd always imagine him in his best appearance. Smiling even, though he seldom smiled and she had, in fact never really seen him wear nothing but his stoic expression.

She sighed dreamily as she tossed around the bed thinking about his voice, his handsome face and that smile she would kill for. Oh! What would she not give to have that smile all to herself. But alas! Her prince was yet to be aware of her boundless affection towards him. She just hoped that he would give her a smile if not return her feelings when he realized how much he was loved. With such a comforting thought, she drifted off to a soothing slumber that night.

                                                                    ~~~~~*~* ~~~~~~~~~*~*~~~~~

"Oh my Gods! Did you actually really come up with such a blockbuster idea or did you steal it from someone?" Linda looked at me, horrified. Summara in turn passed her a shrinking look to toss off her sarcasm.

"What! It's kinda' rare for you to come up with any bright ideas. Don't look at me like I just stole your new born kid." Linda shrugged in turn, brushing Summara off smoothly.

"Yeah well spending time with idiots can do that to you, you know!" Summara riposted in a shrug and consequently earned a glare.

"Okay that's enough you two. We need to think properly and implement this plan without any faults. We can't effort to blunder this time." Blenda clapped her hands to gain the two glaring girl's undivided attention and she was satisfied with the result.

"Well yeah! Or Sammy is probably going to have an unrequited love for the rest of her sad life." Linda sniggered and a hand full of fries made its way towards her. "Hey! Didn't I tell you to quit it with the food-throwing?" Linda groaned.

"Well then, maybe you should learn to keep your pompous mouth shut." Summara threw back.

"Why so cranky Miss grumpy? I'm just stating facts." Linda retorted smugly.

"Oh we don't want to jump off to facts now Linda, remember Adam Brands from last summer?" Summara smirked back and a tongue-tied Linda glared a thousand daggers into her skull.

"Will you two idiots stop it already?" Blenda hollered and both of them crooked their heads down in shame.

"She started it." Summara mumbled in an inaudible tone. And as Linda was about to open her mouth to counter Blenda put out her hands before the both of them to shut them up brusquely.

"I don't care who started it. But this stupid arguing session of you two is getting on my nerves now, big time. So I suggest that the both of you snap your mouth shut before I do it for you with the duct tape in my car." Blenda barked and both the girls looked away sheepishly, very well aware of Blenda's angry vibes.

Blenda had a triumphant look on her face as she eyed both the girls and continued, "So where were we?...."

                                                                      ~~~~~*~* ~~~~~~~~~*~*~~~~~

"Miss Hudson! Please allow me to carry those for you." Summara intervened politely with an evergreen smile.

"Oh you would do that for me Miss Forlake?" The petite biology teacher beamed at her.

"Of course. Besides, they look heavy." Summara countered slickly.

"Yes! You're right about that. Do you need another student to help you out dear?" Miss Hudson enquired gently, being known as a lady of infinite kindness around the campus. But Summara had to vehemently deny any help. She couldn't afford to if she had to thrive in her plan. "Oh please, I'll be perfectly fine. But thank you for bothering Miss Hudson."

Truth be told, those bulky references and paperwork were beyond heavy. 'Who even reads these things.' She thought as she struggled with the possessions. But all her plights were forgotten the moment Linda made an appearance around the corridor and winked as she walked pass her. A clear sign of their said target approaching.

She quickened her steps and tore all looks of discomfort off her face as she sauntered. Her heart thudding against her ribcage and stifling all noises around her. It was wonder she hadn't fainted yet.

Suddenly, just like she anticipated, she bumped into a rock-hard surface as all her assets lay scattered on the floor the very next second. She heard a muffled 'oft' when she smacked into the person and she knew this time it was none other than her prince charming himself. She timidly looked up to the looming frame shadowing her elfin outline. And her light chocolate-brown eyes came to rest upon stunning blue ones. Which were strained upon her.

"I-I...I'm ..." she could hardly make out two rational words as he stared at her distastefully. And now, she was kicking herself inside for being such a klutz. 'Damn it! Get a hold of yourself Sam!' She screamed inside her wary brain.

Thus she made another gutsy attempt with tightly clogged eyes. "I...I'm sorry, I didn't see you. It's my fault. Please do not bother with me_" She blurted. But there was no response to her modest rattle. And when she cracked her nervous eyes open, he was nowhere to be found.

All the hefty paperwork lay dispersed around the hallway floor. With her standing alone in the middle of all the chaos.

                                                                                                   To be Continued.........

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