Ivy trio part 1 | you die :(

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You'd made it.

You got out- almost all of you.

Thomas and you were going to be happy, away from the maze.

But all your hope drained away when the woman in the white lab coat summoned Gally to her side.

Gally was alive. He was with them.

You stepped forward a little; wanting to confront him, but Thomas grabbed your arm quickly and pulled you behind him.

"Y/N, stay behind me." He whispered over his shoulder.

You wanted to trust Thomas, but you knew he would get himself hurt so you stood by his side instead.

Gally's movements seemed forced and stiff but he still managed to produce a knife from his back pocket. Your heart thudded. He wanted to kill us.

He brought it up to his shoulder and aimed it at Thomas, ready to throw it.

As Thomas tried to protest against him, tried to convince him he wasn't in his right mind, you knew what you were going to do. You couldn't let Thomas die. Never.

Gally released the knife and it soared through the space between the Gladers and Gally. It was almost there.

Go. Now. You love him.

You rushed in front of Thomas as quickly as you could and the knife drove into your chest with a sickening thud. It was done. You saved him.

You fell backwards into Thomas and you heard him yell "Y/N! No!" As he caught you. He held you as you lay on the cold ground spitting blood.

"its gonna be okay, Y/N. Come on! Y/N!" He cries and his face is soaked with tears. He strokes your head and holds it, looking into your eyes with uncontrollable sobs.

"Thomas. I love you. I-" You can't get out the words as you feel the end coming.

"No, don't say that. Please!" He leans down and kisses your forehead and whispers

"Please. I love you."

You use your last ounce of life to look up at him and give him a weak smile. And then darkness surrounds you.

A/N: I totally forgot how the beginning of this scene played out so sorry if its not accurate. Why am I writing this, it's too sad. :'(


The griever shook its whole body making a grotesque sound before starting towards you.

You were almost at the doors but they were already closing, fast.

You could make it if you ran faster than you'd ever run because the griever was almost in front of you, tearing down the corridor of the maze.

You turned and bolted toward the doors and your heart felt as if it would explode you'd been running so much today.

You were almost there, you were so close you could almost see Newt, standing in front of the doors, shock and tremendous worry bleeding at his face. You didn't dare look back but you could sense that the griever was close behind you. Pain tore at your chest as your last breath got you to the through the doors just as the grievers needle stabbed into your back.

A huge stinging ripped through your entire body as you fell onto the grass and the doors shut behind you.

Your body gave up and Newt turned you over to look at you, his dark eyes filled with concern.

"Y/N can you hear me? Y/N?"

Your entire body went limp and he knew it wasn't alright.

He held your face and rubbed the back of your head and reassured you through threatening tears

"Don't worry, Y/N. We'll get you the grief serum. You'll be okay."

You heard Alby say "Newt. We ran out for the month. I'm sorry."

A tear splashed on your cheek and he lifted you up to him so he could hug you. He held you tightly in his arms and murmured "But you got back... You got back to me. No."

The pain crashes all at once and you managed to say, quietly "Thank you... I love you" and he sobs again "I love you, Y/N."

Everything turns black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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