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---Tobirama pov---
I awoke to a blaring alarm, my hand instinctively reached for the alarm. My arm slammed on the alarm but the noise continued, I opened my eyes slowly. My teeth were clenched as. I tried shutting off the noise, my eyes snapped open as I was now fully aware of the noise. It was slightly muffled, I groaned as I got out of bed and left my room. I descended down the stairs located near my bedroom. I headed to the kitchen to fill a bowl with water, the alarm could still be heard. Which annoyed me to no end, I grabbed a bowl and put it under the sink. I turned on the faucet and let the bowl fill half way before turning it off. I marched upstairs careful not to spill any water. I turned to Hashirama's door which stood opposite to mine. A smile formed on my face as I crept toward Hashirama's door. His door was left ajar, the alarm was defining now. 'How the hell does he not wake up?' I got to his bedside and placed down the bowl. I reached toward his alarm and shut it off. I then proceeded to pick up the bowl of water. I chuckled lowly and I dumped the water on Hashirama's unsuspecting form. Due to the cold water Hashirama bolted into a sitting position and whined about my method of waking him up. "Hurry up and get ready Hashirama we only have 10 minutes before we're late." Hashirama had a face of horror as he bolted from his bed struggling to get ready. I smirked and went to get ready myself, 'He should have looked at his clock.'
--- Time skip---
I had a smile on my face as I glanced to Hashirama's pouting face. Catching my gaze Hashirama sent a glare my way, " Mito wouldn't enjoy seeing you mad now would she." At the mention of the red head Hashirama burst into a euphoria of happiness. "Ooooohhhh Mito." I sweat dropped as Hashirama began to rant about his 'beautiful and lovely' girlfriend. I won't lie Mito is a lovely girl but once you piss her off, she's the equivalent of a demon. I sighed as I pulled out my schedule and looked at my watch comparing the time, School started at 8:00 and it was currently 7:35. We still had a ways to go and we also had to walk Mito to school.'Freshman year is gonna suck..'. My thoughts were interrupted by Hashirama yelling. "HEY! MADARA!OVER HERE!" I felt like my ear drums were gonna burst. I gazed over to a black haired male who was looking in our derection. Hashirama walked a bit faster toward 'Madara', I cautiously followed glancing at my watch for the time. We still had a couple of minutes to spare, I sighed looking down not bothering to listening to Hashirama talk. I didn't even notice that I zoned out until a hand was in my line of vision and I heard an unfamiliar voice, deep and silky, adress me. "I'm Madara Uchiha, pleasure to meet you." My eyes widened at his last name, 'Uchiha? He's related to Izuna!' I backed up a step, my lips fell slightly agape. "Tobirama are you alright?" Hashirama stepped towards me, I panicked and side stepped him and ran towards the high school. I almost tripped several times due to my panick, I got to the gates and spotted a tree near the back of the school that was big enough to hide my form. I ran towards it and hid, as I placed my back to the bark I noticed a group of people. One of them I could identify clearly, Izuna Uchiha, the kid who made my life a living hell. I took a step forward preparing to escape but I froze in my spot when his eyes landed on me and his pale lips formed a smiled. He walked toward me making his 'friends' attention turn to me. I stood still like a dear in headlights, "Tobirama. What a pleasant surprise? Hear for a little fun?" I glared at him but didn't say anything. His black eyes stared at me challenging me. "What's the matter Tobirama did you finally learn your place, you dog?" He smiled at me evilly, so I did the only thing I could think of. I punched him hard enough to leave a bruise, he stood shocked in place. He sent a glare at me and snapped his fingers and two people from his group grabbed me from the shoulders. They kept me in place as Izuna stood in front of me and sent several punches at me. It felt like an eternity until the bell rung and saved me from any further torment. Before I was let go the rest of Izuna's gang held me down, Izuna pulled out a knife and slashed both my cheeks and my chin. Adorning my face with three scars, tears welled in my eyes at the feel of the winds painful sting. I was released from their grasp and fell to my knees not having the strength to stand. My eyes blurred and I felt something wet come in contact with my face making my cuts sting as I blacked out.
I opened my eyes to a bright light that caused me to close them. I blinked several times trying to adjust to the light. My eyes wandered around the room, Was I in the nurse's office? I turned my head and saw a pale face. "So your finally awake." The deep and silky voice asked me. My eyes widened as I sat up quickly, ignoring the protest of my muscles and scurried to the corner of the bed farthest away from the Uchiha. My body trembled as I hugged my knees to my chest. I felt a hand come in contact with my shoulder and I launched a slap at my assailant. I glanced at the long haired Uchiha and saw a red hand mark on his pale face. I let out a whimper and ran toward one of the corners of the room. The Uchiha didn't move an inch, I glanced at the door as it opened and to my relief Hashirama walked in. I launched myself into his arms and buried my face into his chest, whimpering softly due to the fear and slight pain in my face. He embraced me and slowly pet my hair, just like when we were kids. I remembered the Uchiha in the room and detached myself from Hashiram and hid behind him. I peeked over Hashirama's shoulder, like a child, and saw the Uchiha glaring at me, the slap mark was still evident on his face. "Your brother slapped me..." The. Uchiha growled out. "Now Madara I'm sure Tobirama didn't mean it. Right Tobirama?" I opened my mouth to respond with a 'yes.' but nothing came out. My eyes widened as I grasped my neck lightly noting that I couldn't speak. Madara looked at me with confusion in his eyes , Hashirama turned to me with a look of curiosity that morfed into a look of worry. "What's wrong, Tobirama?" His voice was laced with worry, worry that I couldn't help reassure.
I've had this idea for a madatobi fanfic for awhile but never had any good idea on starting it out. So I hope this chapter is good.

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