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Later that very day Genevieve had made her way down to the town center, where she saw knights and some younger lads training with swords and bows. She walked over to where a small weapons rack was and grabbed a free bow, along with a quiver full of arrows that she slung across her back.

Gene found an empty target, out of the way of everyone's wandering eyes. She was happy that the arms of her dress were stretchy enough to set the arrow, so that she would not rip it. She pulled back the arrow, setting it, bringing the quill of the arrow to just above her lip. She let out a breath before letting the arrow fly, with it ending up hitting the center of the target.

As soon as she saw the arrow reach its destination, she heard the sound of two thunderous claps. She jumped slightly, before whirling around to see Jon, Robb, and their younger brother Bran now standing at a target.

"I-I had no idea you were here, my lords." Gene's cheeks felt like they were on fire as she spoke, and she bet they could tell as well.

"I mean we would have made ourselves known, except we wanted to know if you were any good." Robb said making her cheeks even more red, if that was even possible. "And as it turns out you are a pretty good shot."

Bran nodded in agreement, but Jon just stood quietly; he acted as though he wasn't giving her a second thought. She just shook it off, thinking that maybe he just wasn't feeling well.

"Thank you my lords," she said respectively. "I do recall my father teaching me when i was little, he believed that a women should be able to fight, just not always at hand to hand combat." She said with a smile before realizing that some of her memory was coming back to her.

Genevieve looked up to see that Robb and Bran didn't think much of it as they nodded and went back to practicing, when she met eyes with Jon she could see a curious look in them as well as something else that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

She let out a soft sigh as she turned back to the target and knocked another arrow. She let the arrow go and watched as it hit the target; before she felt a presence next to her. Turning around, she met two icy blue eyes. Robb.

"Would you like to go riding this afternoon my lady." His voice was rough, though his smile was so warm and inviting. She couldn't turn him down even if she wanted to.

"I would love to." She glanced down at the ground briefly before meeting his eyes once more. "Are you sure your father would allow it?"

"I am his eldest son and the future lord of Winterfell. He trusts my judgement." He boasted with a small smile, as he rested his hand, lazily on the hilt of his sword. "So will you accompany me lady Genevieve?"

"I would be delighted to." She said returning the warm smile he was giving her.

"May we go too?" They heard two small voices ask. Turning, they looked to see Bran and Arya standing there.

"Well i think it would be better if you two just sta-" he tried but was cut off by Gene.

"Of course you two can come, I would love to get to know you both better as well. I should probably go get changed into my riding gear. Arya?" Her voice was kind and Arya nodded in agreement. She then took the hand of the smaller girl, following her to their bedchambers since they happened to be right next to each other.


"He likes you, ya know?" Arya said as Gene was putting her hair into a new braid.

"Robb? He is very sweet though I don't know him well." Gene spoke as she finished her hair.

"No Jon. He likes you he just doesn't know how to show it very well." The moment Gene heard the words she froze for a second, thinking, before straightening up. She thought back to how Jon has been ignoring her all day and quickly shrugged off the whole thing.

"Come on then. We should go meet the boys at the stable." Genevieve said as she led the smaller girl out of the room, with them now wearing their riding pants, with boots and a blouse. The two girls then started their descent to the stables.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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