#6 The Dark Rain Wizard

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Just a random picture ^ XD
~*Galaxy's POV*~

  As everyone was still bouncing around, the people in the speakers continued their speech.

"Also, at the party, we will have some special guests they will be playing music." One of the student council said.
   I had an idea it was going to be The Rockers I met earlier, however you never know if it will be.

    Once my class had ended, I was on my way to my locker to put away my math binder and grab my Social Studies binder, until I was interrupted by a guy ramming into me.

"Oh, sorry!!" The guy said, in a quiet, calm voice. He was panting over and over as if he was running the mile 5 times. He had black hair with a little strip of dark purple. He also had a scar very close to his right eye.

"It's ok!" I said as I put my hand out to help him up. He hesitated for a bit, until he finally decided to grab my hand, and I helped him up.

"I'm terribly sorry for that! I wasn't looking of where I was going!" He told me putting his hand behind his neck, shyly.

"It's okay! We all make mistakes!" I replied. He looked down on the floor as if he was remembering a bad memory.
"I'm Galaxy!" I said, trying to enlighten the mood.

"I-I'm Ryo" He stuttered. He got more shy then before. The name however did clink to me. Did I know him from my past? "You're a new student right? I know this school inside out, and I've never seen you here before."

"Yeah, I am new." I responded, trying to keep this conversation going.

"Well, it's nice to meet you!" Ryo said grinning a little. "However, you do look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?"

"That's what I was going to ask you. Your name sounds so familiar to me, but I can't put my finger on it." I said, trying to think.

"Well, maybe one day we will remember something." He said, as his grin slowly disappears.

"Hey Ryo? You want to hang out later, after school? Maybe if we get to know each other, we could remember something at least!" I asked, smiling. There was something that I knew about him, but I just can't remember. It's on the tip of my tongue, and I just can't get it.

"Sure, I'd like that!" He said shyly, as the bell rang for the next class.

~*Le TimeSkip to after class*~

~*Ryo's POV*~

    As school ended, I walked out of class and saw Galaxy wanting for me at the door. I walked up to her shyly, and walked out with her down the sidewalk.

I'm was surprised at first of when she asked me to hang out. I'm usually not good with people become they are scared of my magic.

"So, what magic do you use?" Galaxy asked me as we continued walking to a nearby smoothy store.

My eyes widen as I try to not reply. I didn't want her to know my magic and then ask to see it and get hurt. It has always happened to me when people ask.

"Uh...well..." Before I could speak anymore, the smoothy store clerk asked,"Hello! How can I help you?"

We both stared at the clerk and ordered what we wanted. I tried to make it not as awkward as it was.

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