Chapter 3-Mangoes

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Ratliff’s POV

            I woke up with the sun coming through my eyes. I turned on my shoulder to see Rydel hugging me still fast asleep. I closed my eyes again hoping this was all a bad dream. A nightmare I would gladly wake up from. But of course, that hope is gone.

            “Ratliff?” Rydel whispered against my chest. I glanced and saw her with eyes slowly opening. I brushed some of her bangs as she looked up on me. “Sleep well?” I asked sitting both of us. She stretched and took a moment to answer.

            She nodded and looked around the beach. “We need to get some food and build a shelter,” she said standing up. “You want to split up to look for materials and fruits?” I asked walking towards the rock. My shirt had dried off and I put it on.

            “Okay. But we must not stay away that far from each other,” she answered with a hint of fear on her voice. “Don’t worry Delly. Everything will be alright. We have each other,” I said giving her the warmest smile I could show.

            “I call dibs on food duty!” she claimed with a faint smile on her face. At least that’s something. “Fine. I’ll gather some woods and leaves to shelter us,” I said looking at the water. “Just call if anything happens,” I added. She answered with a nod and we both went inside the forest.

Rydel’s POV

            Ratliff and I went inside and split up when I saw some fruit bearing trees. “Meet me at the beach after 15 minutes?” Ratliff asked holding my hand. I don’t want to let go because I’m scared that I won’t see him again. I don’t want to be alone. “Okay. Be careful,” I answered. He smiled at me and went deeper into the forest.

            I looked around and found some mango trees. Great! I tried finding some fruits on it and fortunately they have.

            “You can do this Rydel,” I whispered encouraging myself and removed my sandals. I started climbing the tree one foot at a time. “Yes!” I yelled once I’m on top and was now surrounded by mangoes.

            I picked some ripe ones and let them fall on the ground. I got about 7 ripe mangoes and there are some few left to pick if we ran out. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh before deciding on going down.

            I turned around and step onto the branch I used to go up. It was going smoothly when I heard a crack and I fell on the ground injuring my ankle. I tried holding back my tears while rubbing my ankle. Not only it’s broken, half of it was scratched. “Get up Rydel!” I yelled inside my head.

            I grabbed the mangoes and see if they’re still on a good condition. Some are bruised but there’s really no harm done. I took of my shirt and wrapped the mangoes on it. I limped towards the beach biting my lip and sat on the beach waiting for Ratliff.

            I immediately put my shirt on once I got the mangoes out of it and just stared at the water praying for a miracle to happen.

Ratliff’s POV

            I went deeper into the forest to gather some woods and stuffs to try and make a shelter out of it for me and Rydel. I looked around and found some large palm leaves that would make a perfect roof and some woods for the fire.

            “I better be heading back to check on Rydel,” I said to myself when I felt something wasn’t right. I removed my white shirt and wrapped the woods on it so they won’t fall and pulled the leaves towards the beach.

            “OUCH!” I stepped on something and saw a sharp stone near my right foot. I picked it up and stuff it on my pocket. Once I’m out, I saw Rydel sitting on the beach staring into space.

            “Hey Rydel!” I yelled and she turned around. She tried getting up and I saw that she’s having a hard time. I dropped the things I’ve been dragging and went to her to see what the problem is.

            “Are you okay?” I asked helping her to get up. She let out a whine and that’s the time I saw her left ankle. “WHAT HAPPENED?!” I asked looking at it. It seems so bad. “Fell of a tree,” she answered. I carried her bridal style making her scream a little


            “Stay here,” I said dropping her carefully below a tree to shade her. “Does it hurts?” I asked touching the spot near her scratch. “A little,” she answered on the verge of crying. I hugged her and rubbed her back. “Shh…” I cooed and pulled back.

            “Here,” I said giving her the sharp stone I found. “You can cut the fruits you’ve gathered while I build us a shelter,” I added. “Okay,” she answered getting up and just stumbled back on the sand. “Be careful! Why are you standing?” I asked holding her shoulders.

            She pointed on the mangoes near the beach where she was sitting earlier. “I’ll get them. Just rest there,” I said smiling at her and run to get the mangoes. “Smile first before I give these to you,” I teased. She glared at me first which turned out into a smile a few seconds later.

            “Ellington Lee Ratliff! Just give me those mangoes,” she snapped laughing lightly. I grinned at her and put the mangoes beside her. I grabbed the woods and leaves and started on building our shelter.

            Man! Do I suck at this! But at least it’s coming through. I was dripping sweat when I heard some humming and saw Rydel silently singing. She’s singing her song Love Me Like That. I hum the tune and she just continue on singing and I went back to work.


A/N Ignore the chapter title. I can't think of any :D. 10+ votes for chapter 4 :)

On other news: LOUDER is just PERF! I just gotta let that out. K. Stay awesome guys. Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments :* 

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