Chapter 4: Night 4

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Lapin seemed to walk into work a little distressed. As she was walking to her office Shade quickly knocked her out. She awoke tied to a chair and, having a small rubber ball in her mouth. A voice seemingly american seemed to be mutter something behind her. Frantically she looked around trying to find a way to escape, when suddenly Shade seemed to break to silence " Ms. Lapin please don't make this harder than it needs to be. Please trust me when I say that we won't hurt you. We are just waiting for your brother to arrive.". Lapin said nothing in response and instead only cried. The voice behind her finally spoke "R-Shade I keep telling you. We have the wrong one.". " Karis you know that this has to be her, and you even saw the butler you know he is... well a he." said Shade as he rolled his eyes\ and, turned his attention back towards the front of the diner.

Daisy walked into the back room holding a surprisingly calm Jonathan. He gave her a sadly sweet smile before Karis shouted "Wait guys that's Lapin!". Daisy looked at him for a moment "If this is Lapin who's that?", "It's her freaking psycho brother! You have to believe me!" Karis shouted. A female voice in the distance calmly said " Thank you Josh for your opinion, and you know what? I say even if that is her...we kill em anyways. I mean if that is her she's willing to pay her life for her brother. If it's you-know-who then he surrenders to save his sister. Either way there is a price to be payed and, it must be payed in full.". "Zumio! If you don't stop Orieza and the rest of this madness I'll-" Karis shouted. " You'll what? bubble up a hot bath and work off some of th-" Orieza was quickly cut off seemingly by being forcefully turned off. "Sorry about being late everyone!" Said a cheerful yet distorted male voice.

Both Lapin and Jonathan tilt their heads in confusion. " Finally someone who will listen to reason! Zumio could you please confirm that this is Lapin." said Karis with a sigh of relief. "Well I was planning on-"Zumio started before being cut off by Karis " Please." He said. Zumio looked at Karis for a moment before his expression changed. " She really meant that much?" he said. Karis nodded " She still does and always will." Karis said in a somber tone. With a nod and a heavy sigh he gestured for the others to drop Jonathan and Lapin. " Listen you two, you've both managed to stir up quite a fuss tonight. I want you both to know that I'm very disappointed with you. For one Lapin I thought you would know your brother better than to have not been fighting back when Daisy had gotten you, and Jonathan, really? You of all people should know just how dangerous it is here and why. Now I can tell from the look on your face that you're lost, aren't you Lapin?" Zumio says. The disguised Lapin slowly nods.

" Makette!" Zumio calls and gets no response. " We um... well you see we only may have uh... tied her up." Shade responds sheepishly. Zumio glared " Well then, you best go get her." Zumio said in a rather irritated voice. Shade darted towards the back room as Tex and Daisy attempted to make their escape. "And where exactly do you two think you're going?" Zumio says as he begins to walk into view of Jonathan and Lapin. " U-uh well ya see Makette is a little heavy and uh... I was plan'in on ah... go'in to help and such." Tex responded nervously. " M-me too darling..." Daisy added. " Once you're an animatronic that doesn't exactly count as an excuse any more." Zumio said with a slight laugh. " Sit down you two, that is after you untie our guests." Zumio says after a few moments. With all due haste they quickly untie Lapin and Jonathan. " Now you two I want you to sit in separate corners and think about what you've done." Zumio said glaring at Tex and Daisy before turning to Lapin and Jonathan " I'm terribly sorry about this, I mean normally they're much more welcoming and such.". Zumio takes the rubber ball out of Jonathan's mouth as well as Lapin's. A rather awkward silence falls over the room.

" Why aren't you mad at me?" Jonathan asks trying to break the silence. " You mean Jake?" Zumio said with a slight bit of irritation. " Yeah." Jonathan said. " Well you see I learned something from macy...... I basically learned what she stood for, and I agree with it." said a figure in the shadows. Shade comes back into the room dragging a large brown box. " Sh-she is in here." he said shakily.

"Why is she in a box?" asked Lapin. Shade didn't even respond to her question before pulling one of the chairs into a corner. " Shade you've been asked a question that deserves an answer.", said Zumio and, the dark figure. " It was the only way to make her stay still." Shade said with shame. Zumio sighs, and opens the box to see a shivering blue wolf attached to a marionette controller by four black wires. " Why is she named after a doll used for drawing, when she looks like a marionette?" Lapin said as she peered into the box. "I honestly don't know... maybe you could ask your boss should you get the chance." said the dark figure. Slowly the wolf starts to rise out of the large brown box in a way that made it seem, as tho it was being pulled up by the wires.

" Greetings Zumio, I am terribly sorry that I didn't come when you had called." says Makette. " Greetings to you as well, and don't worry. It is to my understanding that you were, at that time trapped in a box." Zumio says while shaking his head. Makette nods and then looks at Lapin and Jonathan. " Ah... So we have guests?" Makette says with a slight glare towards Jonathan. Zumio nods towards Makette. " So would Macy care to speak or shall we have to depend on your version of the story?" Zumio asks as he turns towards Makette. "......She....... is... willing to speak, but only if you tell us why Lapin looks like her brother."says Makette. " I was umm...... trying to save my brother." says Lapin in an uncertain tone. " Ah... all right. Well then, the murderous psychopath should be glad he has such a loyal sister." Makette says with a hint of rage.

" What do you mean 'murderous' or 'psychopath'?" Lapin asked. " Ah...... so he hasn't told you?" said the dark figure. Jonathan starts to panic while furiously shaking his head, and trying to escape his bindings. Makette seems to notice his distress as the dark figure started to approach him. " So wait, you never told her? What cover up stories did you use during her panic for our little group then?" Karis asks with a little rage starting to boil up. " Your group? Jon what did you do?" Lapin questioned. " Ok ok, I'll explain everything but later. Just let us go and, I promise that I'll explain everything once we're out. Ok? You could even give me a reminder... but just, let, us, go. I couldn't stand to lose another sister." Jonathan says in a rather panicked way. Lapin tilts her head in confusion at 'another sister'. " Alright but you have to give her the full story." said The Dark Figure. " AND we do leave you with a strong reminder." said Karis with a feeling of both intimidation and rage. " I do believe that Orieza should do the honors." Zumio said with a smirk. As he walked over to the now damaged rabbit collapsed on the floor, and with the flick of his hand the rabbit began to rise. Her eyes portraying the fury she seems to feel towards Jonathan, before seeing both Zumio and Makette watching her, to which she seems to calm. " So... why did you wake me up now?" said Orieza. " The reason is rather simple Orieza, you see our killer here has said that we may give him whatever reminder we so please, as long as it means that they can leave." Makette said with an unsettling calmness. " Ooh, does that mean I get to choose?" Orieza said with a hint of excitement.

" You may do more than simply pick what happens. After all the one who plans it should also be able to execute it." said Zumio. " Well in that case..." said Orieza as she started to approach Jonathan, unsheathing her claw-like endoskeleton hand from it's outer casing. Karis covers Lapin's ears and makes her turn her head away. The moment she got close enough there was a scream and the sound of something being torn, as the scream went on the camera's image cut out and, the scream became garbled. 

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