4: 14/05/2015

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Bring me darkness
Bring me light

But come mornings first light my senses start to dull my emotions fade away all the sparkle in my eyes starts to disappear

Because night is when I truly come alive, it is when I feel most free, it is when I feel there is still hope left for this world, the only time I feel I truly belong in this place is when I see the darkness engulf the sky and nothing but the light of the moon and stars to guide and comfort me through the night

But it is sad that night is also the time where I can feel like the loneliest person in the world my thoughts flood my mind in a violent attempt break me

But perhaps that is why I find comfort in the moon is because with the constant conflict within myself it was there to comfort me and help bring peace to my mind in my darkest times

I see beauty in the sun but the moon is the image of perfection

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