None in a million

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I didn't want to go to school. That was true. At school people lie and make you think they're you're friend but at the first chance they get they will tell anyone everything they know about you. People also hate at school, they stand in comers and whisper about you or they spread rumours about you just to ruin your day, your week, your month. Let's face it, school has no good intentions.
As I got up and changed one thought kept swirling my mind: what do I do when I get to school? The walk to the bus is bad enough. There's populars on my bus and they watch me as I walk up the road, they talk to each other and point. I can't help but feel self conscious about everything about me and what I'm wearing: the length of my skirt, the amount of make up I'm wearing, my hair, my bag and even the ladder in my tights I know is showing my leg. I cross the road and stand silently hoping the bus would get here soon so I can turn on all time low and ignore everyone and their comments.

One in a million Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt