A million

14 1 8

The boy sat on the other side of the hall to me. He was 13 seats back and 1 row to my left, I had seen him when I walked in the door and I almost fainted. He was hot to put it shortly. I knew his name from Instagram and the fact that everyone knows him. Now I sat staring at page 17 with a pie chart on about how teachers travelled to school on. My brain was empty about how to answer the question, to my right sat Megan. One of the 4 people I feel I can trust, the other 3 are Millie, Amy and Grace. Megan was a page ahead of me.
Anyway all I could think about was this boy sat 13 seats and 1 row back from me. I had 37 minutes left and I wanted to badly just to stand up and leave, instead I decided to think and rethink about the boy. And it helped a bit I guess but I still didn't understand the question so I turned over.
X=3 Y=18 solve the following:
2X ➕17Y ➗ D = 179. Find D. Screw it. I slinked back in my chair and stared at the clock, digging the compass in my hand. I was so bored.
Megan was looking at me from her seat, I looked at her and rolled my eyes, she smiled at me in a sympathetic way. I turned back to my paper and continue thinking about the boy sat 13 seats and 1 row back.
When the buzzer went we had to stay in silence, row A went first. That was the boys row, then my row. I smiled at Megan as I walked out. Millie was waiting for me, and down the hallway I saw the boy walking. He turned around saw me and smiled. What the fuck? Am I hallucinating? He smiled at me. Holy shit!

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